2014VP of Technology


EDUCATION | B.A. in Business Administration (Information Systems)



MORE ABOUT CHAY | I’ve walked a long road to get to where I am today. Like a lot of high school graduates, I was very unsure about what I wanted to do, and what I believed I could do. No matter how many times you think something over in your head, the best way to find a real answer is to be open to the experiences around you. I came to the University of Washington as a transfer student, working to gain a BA degree with a focus in Information Systems. By pure chance, I met the BLHC and became aware to the integration of business structure within healthcare. Healthcare will always need to be improved, so by achieving my goals in IS, I’d like to contribute to the information security in healthcare technology. That will be my way of giving back to the world. Everyone, on some level, wants to be able to help another. Passion and compassion don’t have to be traits you’re born with. They can be built by working and cooperating with others who have the same visions you do.


FUN FACT I’ve been playing tennis since I was 10 years old, and have even participated in a nationally ranked tournament.