Category Archives: Uncategorized

Matt Scholz – Immusoft

matthew_scholzLast Wednesday we had the pleasure of hearing from Matt Scholz, CEO of the biotech startup, Immusoft. He is pursuing a revolutionary science that will turn a person’s B-Cells into, “drug factories.” Thank you to all of you who came to the meeting. Check out the link to Immusoft’s website below if you want to learn more about the company. There is also a lot of very interesting media coverage of their work.

Gates Foundation

Thank you to everyone that signed up for the field trip today! This is our first off campus event so we’re all very excited. We will meet in the Paccar Commons at 3:00pm today before leaving. The tour is from 4:00-5:00pm so we are estimating we will be back at UW around 5:30pm.

Here is the link to the Gates Foundation website if you want to learn more about their work:  Thanks again for coming!

Mary Gates Field Trip



Affordable Care Act Panel

ACA panelThank you to everyone who joined us for the Affordable Care Act Panel! We could not have done it without our fantastic panelists:

  • Gary Schauer  |  Point B Consulting
  • Paul Unkel  |  Philips Healthcare
  • Melinda Hewes  |  Group Health
  • Helen Shawcroft  |  UW Medicine
  • Hamed Mamani  |  UW Foster School of Business
  • Walter Winter  |  Parker Smith Feek

Also special thank you to Rick McPherson, the faculty leader and coordinator of the event. We hope that you now have a better understanding of the ACA and its implications for your future and the future of healthcare.

Meeting Follow-up 10/23 & 10/29

Last weeks meeting with Alan Leong and last night’s discussion with Adina Mangubat, CEO of Spiral Genetics, were both huge successes! Thank you to both of them for sharing and to all of you who came!

Alan covered the complicated yet lucrative world of Bioinvesting. His main focus was on the dynamics of pharmaceutical companies and the rigorous process they must navigate for a chance to make a difference. He shared numerous stories from his years of experience and is a great resource for anyone looking to get involved in the bio industry and has helped many young, successful entrepreneurs.

Adina is one such entrepreneur, co-founding Spiral Genetics right out of college. Last night she shared her story of how she made her creative ambition a reality. There was no denying that starting your own company is a challenge, but if you are truly motivated and passionate about your idea, anything is possible. Adina is an awesome resource for anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit and has offered her time to answer questions. Send us a message if you would like to get in touch with her.

Thank you again for everyone who attended and our awesome guest speakers! We only have a few more meetings left for this quarter and would love to see more people start to get involved with BLHC! Please contact us if you would like to here more about our club.

All Club Meeting 10/16/13

Hi Everybody! This is just a reminder for our meeting on Wednesday, October 16. We will be hosting Switchpoint Consulting. It should be very informative and there will be an interactive case workshop for the second half of the meeting! Please check the calendar for all the details. Hope to see you all there!

Meeting Follow-up 10/2/13

Thank you everyone who attended the first meeting last night! We were so excited to see how many of you came to support the club. We would also like to say a huge thank you to Dr. Conrad and Dr. Pilcher for attending as our guest speakers. The discussion last night was geared towards setting a baseline understanding of the healthcare industry, highlighting the important role of business practices in the industry. We also covered how to set yourself up for success in healthcare from an educational standpoint. Please look for our newsletter for a more detailed summary of the meeting. Again, we thank you for coming and especially staying afterwards to meet us and to express your interests in getting involved with the club! We look forward to getting to know you all better and showing you what BLHC has in store!

Welcome to BLHC!

BLHC LogoThank you for checking out the new BLHC website! We are excited to tell you more about our mission and about the events we have planned for the coming year. Being a part of BLHC is a great opportunity to meet other motivated students and network with today’s healthcare leaders. Please take some time to learn more about us and how to get involved! See you in the Fall!