Some Things your Coxswain should Never Say

A little light coxing-related humor…

(1) Keep going, they might catch a crab.

(2) Just going through the umpire’s wash

(3) Faster up the slide!

(4) (with a hint of hope) They’re not going away as fast now

(5) …97,98,99 …

(6) (On the way to the start), Is that OUR race going by ?

(7) You’re going to lose, DO SOMETHING!!

(8) Pull with your hands (!)

(9) Heard after 20 pretty good strokes of a 25k steady state row …

“that’s good, one minute gone.”

(10) Give me another hard one!

(11) Two, watch the buoy.

(12) It looks shallow here…

(13) Pull harder guys…my dad is watching!

(14) Take a 10! You’re dying!

(15) Let’s focus on our technique now (as you cross over the 500m down

(16) Are we at full pressure?

(17) Weigh enough…so three can recover from his crab.

(18) We are walking on the official’s launch.

(19) When does our race start?

(20) Boy, those guys are fast!

(21) Last 10 strokes to the finish! 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 okay only 5 more!

(22) Let it run……in two.

(23) Hold water All!!

(24) They’re going faster than us!

(25) We are going to lose…

(26) Hey guys, it looks terrible but feels great.

(27) They expect me to know what `Weigh Enough’ means?

(28) Does anybody know which side the sandbar’s on here?

(29) OH SHIT!!

(30) (Used while practicing for the Charles..) Now guys, this is the hardest

turn in the course, Oh Shit, Weigh’nuf!!

(31) (While your coach screams) “SAVE THE EQUIPMENT!!!”

(32) One, Two, Three, Seven, Five…. (during a power ten)

(33) Skeg?? what skeg?

(34) Take ten to focus

(35) Last minute….last fifty strokes…power twenty…power ten..

..Almost There!!! (Head of the Connecticut)

(36) Guys, I don’t think this is our race.

(37) We’re not gonna let the varsity beat us, we’re the novice men!!

(38) Boy, I cant see anything in this fog.

(39) Look at that!!

(40) ‘cmon guys, that sculler is beating us

(41) What are these strings for??

(42) Don’t get tired…

(43) (During one of your first hard pieces in training):

“Come on, pull harder than you have ever pulled in your life before!”

(44) What the hell does that sail boat think it’s doing?!!

(45) (Before you push off from the dock) How does this thing work?

(46) Give me a power ten. One. . .Two. . .Three. (yawn) .Four. . . .

(47) We’re four boat lengths down…keep up the good work.

(48) (Head of The Connecticut) ” I think I see the finish line, guys.”

(49) Is there a reason that no one takes this arch?

(50) (After a brutal crab) “Hey, where does three think he’s going?”