Hello, everyone!

As the subject suggests, the DUBotics leads have chosen to reduce the General Meetings to a bi-weekly schedule. The simple fact is we don't currently have very much to report or discuss every single week, and we know you're busy suffocating on homework, midterms, and anything else your instructors can throw at you. Like the halfway-decent people we are, we respect your time.

And just in case the subject line doesn't jump out at some folks: There is no general meeting tomorrow, Nov. 7. 'K? Good. :) We'll send out another email a few days before the next one, which is likely to be on Thursday, Nov. 14.

We'll be using the general meetings to update you on the progress of each subsystem of our team participating in the University Rover Challenge, as well as to let you know about any other interesting goings-on within the club.

URC subsystem meetings will continue as usual, as coordinated by that subsystem's lead:

  • Arm, manipulator, and science-station groups (collectively the "Arm team", under the auspices of our talented Christian Carpio <cdcarpio@u.washington.edu>) meets on Fridays 5:00-6:30pm in MEB 238.
  • The Control-Systems group (led by Luis Naranjo and myself, Collin Sutton <cjsutton@u.washington.edu>) meets Saturdays 3-4pm in the same place (MEB 238).

If you'd like to receive emails about either of those subsystems, contact the appropriate email address and asked to be added to that subsystem's email list.

Workshops? Yeah, about those: we're still working on procuring the funding required to do these workshops. The initial cost of the supplies for just the introductory programming/electronics workshops we have planned is over $1000, and we've been engaging departments outside of Mechanical Engineering to drum up support. We know a lot of you signed up for our email list specifically because of the workshops, and we appreciate your patience while we work to get them off the ground.

'Til next time,
