Hello everyone!

This is a friendly reminder that there will be a meeting tomorrow. It will again be held at Smith 120, this Thursday, October 31st from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

Also, we are working on getting a weekend date for people to get shop certified. Like what was discussed in the meetings - it will be highly advantageous to get machine shop certified if you plan on working in the chassis, arm or any other mechanical teams. It will allow you to more freely participate and play a greater role in not only our club activities, but other engineering clubs as well. It may not hurt for those who are programming or electrically inclined to participate as well.

Details on when the shop certification will happen will be e-mailed to everyone as soon as it becomes available. Otherwise, listen out for any information during the meetings.

Also - Feel free to come in costume. There isn't a costume contest or anything but it would be cool to show off your costumes if you have them.

Thanks! See you all on Thursday!