Hey kids, do you know what time it is? It's Howdy Doody time!

By which I mean we have 27 days to meet our first deadline: a drivable robot with functioning arm. While I'm confident that this is a perfectly achievable goal, I think it would be nice if we could get you up to speed enough that you can help make it happen. Sure, we probably could do the programming with, say, five or fewer people, but what fun is that?

Today's agenda is fairly straightforward: I'll talk a little bit about effective mindsets to use when (learning about) programming before moving into some more concrete things like:

  • binary numbers (and why you care),
  • data structures,
  • serial and I2C communication, and
  • pulse-width-modulation (PWM) output

...on the Arduino. The goal here is to give you some basic grasp of how we can receive and decode commands on the Arduino before sending the appropriate signals to our motor controllers so we can get something driving.

At some point, we'll probably also do a short review of the programming concepts I covered last week.

As usual, the meeting will be in MEB 238 at 3-4pm today, Saturday.

I'll see you there!