
Today is a dark day comrades, fortune has frowned upon us! ServoCity did not deliver all the goods we seek, but only a fraction (1/5~ of our request to be more precise). Do not falter, this is only an obstacle, of many, idling frivolously in front of our goals! We must be unwavering and resolute and impact our obstructions with such force as to break through. Nevertheless, ServoCity has aided us with what they could spare, such generosity is welcomed sight and their parts will immediately be put into production once their arrive. I will talk of this more tomorrow and Friday, but this setback may prove detrimental to our current deadlines. Be strong comrades!

Tomorrow's general meeting is an imperative one. We will be discussing the logistics of our Utah URC desert pilgrimage (i.e: How to go from Seattle to Utah, how to go from Utah to Seattle, and how we do that with a robot (HINT: It involves a waffle maker and an ambulance)). In addition, we will also be discussing other things of interests.

For those of you who are getting, or interested in getting, your machine shop certification, the first of two classes is in session from 9:30am to 11:30am~ tomorrow in the engineering annex. There are 4-5 spots open and 3 of you said that you would attend. It doesn't require the 8 math courses I've taken to see that there may be additional open spots tomorrow morning. So if you don't feel like sleeping in and have an unsettled appetite for heavy machinery, it may be worth it to attend (plus we need people to machine stuff, for you know, robots). Just show up and tell the shop meisters that you are filling in for a person who couldn't attend, their pretty chill.

On a final note, I'm planning to brew some of my own "federal penitentiary" style wine (not the kind from the toilet). This doesn't relate to anything, but I wanted it to be known.

Keepin' it real crisp,

Christian 'Crispy' Carpio