What is a Model United Nations?

What is WASMUN?

Who will participate?

How does a school get involved?

When and where will WASMUN take place?

What are the costs involved in participating?

WASMUN Philosophy

WASMUN Expectations

Delegates and Committees

What is Model United Nations?

Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations system. Students assume the roles of ambassadors to the United Nations and debate current global issues.

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What is WASMUN?

In 2001-2002, the World Affairs Council is coordinating a Model United Nations for Washington State high school students (grades 9-12). The program will be run in collaboration with the University of Washington and the Washington State United Nations Association and is sponsored in part through a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Who will participate?

Our goal is to involve up to 400 high school students as delegates in the MUN. University of Washington students will serve as chairs of the various committees, and community members with MUN experience will lend a hand in organizing the culminating event. Schools from across Washington State are invited to participate, and we encourage the involvement of students from diverse backgrounds. We encourage students from all high school grades to participate so that we develop leadership for future conferences.

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How does a school get involved?

Teachers interested in participating can create a MUN class, include MUN skills and training in an on-going class, or create an after-school club. Participating teachers will receive most of the resources they need during trainings and school visits. Registrations will be accepted starting in September and beyond November 15, 2001.

To register for WASMUN, visit the Registration Page.

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When and where will WASMUN take place?

The culminating MUN meeting will take place April 5-6, 2002, at the University of Washington. In preparation for this event, students will register by mid-November with position papers due to the committees in February. Teachers and students will have various opportunities through the fall and winter to meet with an experienced MUN trainer for direction, advice, and training. A delegate workshop for students will take place in November.

WASMUN will take place at and with the support of the University of Washington. Limited rooms have been reserved at a preferred hotel near the University for groups who will travel to the conference.

Click here to view the conference schedule.

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What are the costs involved in participating?

We ask that schools and students contribute to the overall cost of the event by paying the following fees:
$50 per school
$10 per student

Students traveling from outside of the Seattle area will need to spend two nights in hotel accommodation; the school fee of $50 will be waived for these schools. The World Affairs Council has negotiated competitive rates with a hotel in the University District; teachers should budget approximately $60 per student for hotel accommodation.

These fees should not preclude any student or school from participating. Fees will be waived for any school or student who cannot cover these costs. Teachers are encouraged to contact the World Affairs Council for more information.

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WASMUN Philosophy

True to the declared mission of the United Nations, WASMUN serves as a forum for dialogue on issues of international peace and security, social and economic progress, and the maintenance of fundamental rights around the world.

WASMUN was established to involve high school students in Washington State in a hands-on, authentic program in which they can explore world affairs while giving university students opportunities for leadership.

WASMUN emphasizes:

WASMUN will:

The WASMUN Secretariat values diversity and encourages students from diverse backgrounds to participate in the program.

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WASMUN Expectations

Students should be well-prepared to fully participate in the WASMUN conference. They should be knowledgeable about the structure and function of the UN and have a basic understanding of current events and international affairs. Delegates should be familiar with the current situation of their assigned country, their country's position within international affairs, and their country's stand on the topics to be discussed. Materials for preparation, including a delegate study guide, will be sent by the Secretariat Committee in December.

Teachers hold a vital link between the Secretariat and their students. Teachers should begin preparation during Fall 2001 and continue until the conference takes place. The WASMUN home page is available for resource information (www.world-affairs.org).

The WASMUN Secretariat is fully prepared to support teachers and students through the MUN process in anyway needed. Training sessions for both teachers and students will be held throughout the Summer, Fall, and Winter. Teachers and students are encouraged to contact the World Affairs Council and the Secretariat with their questions and concerns.

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Delegates and Committees

A delegation represents a single country and consists of national representatives to all committees of which the country is a member. A delegation may have 1 to 6 students; a school may send up to 20 delegates to the WASMUN conference. Delegation assignments will be made in December.

Click here to view the WASMUN 2002 Committees.

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