Dear Delegate, Adviser, or member of the WASMUN community:

This page contains important updates and announcements about the 2002 WASMUN Conference and will be updated regularly. We ask that you check it often. If you have any questions at any point in time please email us at


The WASMUN Secretariat

Last update: 03/13/2002

Contents on this page:

Volunteer Opportunities (We need you!!):

If you would like to volunteer or would like information on ways to volunteer for the 2002 WASMUN conference in April, please contact Gayatri Eassey (Volunteer Coordinator) at


Conference Announcements:

Officers from the University of Washington Admissions Office will be present to answer your questions about applying to the UW. They will have a table outside of the HUB West Ballroom on Friday April 5th from 5:00-6pm and a table in HUB Room 108 on Saturday April 6th from 12:45-1pm. 


Committee Updates (updated on 2/21/02):

The UNEP (UN Environmental Programme) Committee will be focusing on one topic: Global Climate Change.  

If you have any questions please email Maria Antonov (UNEP Chair):

New NGO Program at 2002 WASMUN (updated 2/21/02)

This year we are proud to announce the implementation of an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Program. As part of this program, NGO's will be represented in committee sessions at the WASMUN conference. 

Possible NGO's being represented are:

For questions please email James Ham, Director of NGO Programs, at

WASMUN Chairs and Secretariat Announcement (updated on 2/21/02):

Your WASMUN chairs went to the Harvard Model UN for training and their back!!

In preparation for the WASMUN 2002 conference, we sent 21 of our chairs and secretariat members to represent the University of Washington as the Republic of Austria at the 48th Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) from February 14-17, 2002. The HNMUN is the oldest and one of the largest conferences for college students in the world. Please ask your chair about his/her experience at the conference. We will love to tell you all about it!!

We plan on sending a delegation next year to the 2003 HNMUN conference.

Join the WASMUN team!!

If you are planning to study at the UW or attend a college in the Seattle Area, we invite you to join the 2003 WASMUN team (as a member of the secretariat or a committee chair)!! 

If you are interested please let us know at the conference or contact us at

If you are a community member and would like more information about volunteer opportunities for the 2002 WASMUN Conference please contact Gayatri Eassey (Volunteer Coordinator) at