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Dear Delegate,

Hello and welcome to WASMUN's Resources Section!

My name is Michelle Su, and I will be your research director for the Washington State Model United Nations Conference in April. My duties are to help you with all research aspects of your WASMUN experience. Specifically, this means preparing the Resources Section of the WASMUN website, running research training workshops prior to the conference, answering all questions you send me at, and acting as your last minute resource during committee session. Whew! This is a lot of work-but if I can do it, so can you.

Research is necessary, that much is sure, but it need not be life-threatening. The Resources section of this website is designed to help guide you through the research process in the most productive way possible. In the following pages you will find the research training workshop schedule, a copy of all workshop handouts, and web links that are divided into strategic groups. Make an effort to use these resources, as well as traditional ones such as libraries, book stores, and even primary sources (friends, family, international students, for example).

One wise word on research: start by asking yourself a question, and only stop when you have found an answer. In the course of this process, you are sure to find many things you do not know, and perseverance will be the key to increasing your knowledge. Also, write me emails-my policy is to respond within the week.

Best of luck, all WASMUN delegates!


Michelle Su

Research Director, Washington State Model United Nations 2002

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