Produced three times each year, the PRSSA national newspaper is distributed to each PRSSA member. FORUM contains Society news, tips on the PR industry, tips about writing, job-hunting and other relevant topics.
All members are encouraged to write articles for the newsletter. FORUM is a great opportunity to build your portfolio by being published nationally.
Visit the FORUM site to read current and past issues starting with 1969, and to find out how to submit your own articles.
Connecting with PRSSA

This is a useful national publicatioin for chapter leaders that is published bimonthly. It is mailed together with various documents related to national awards, scholarships, competitions and general Society business.
Chapter advisors receive national mailings by the 10th day of September, November, January, March and May.
All articles from Connecting with PRSSA are available online.
Annual Reports
Annual Reports are published at the end of every year by the PRSSA National Committee. National committee members report on their accomplishments and share their visions for the society's future.
Annual reports are published in FORUM and on the national web site.
Biweekly E-mail Updates
This service was implemented in the fall of 2003 by the former Vice President of Member Services Sarah Yeaney.
The e-mails are sent to PRSSA members every other week and updates include information from the National Committee and Conference Committee about important programs and events.
The Vice President of Member Services compiles and edits each e-mail update.
Past and current issues of the Biweekly E-mail Updates are available online.
Situation Analysis
Published by PRSSA's National Committee, the analysis describes the history of the organization and its national leadership roles.
The outlined goals at the end of the analysis aims to lead successive leaders toward one vision and ensure the society's growth and success.
This document will remain a work-in-progress, and will be annually updated by those serving on the National Committee.
PRSSA chapter leaders are encouraged to use this document as a template for their individual records.