Category Archives: Member meetings

Member Meeting March, 27th

Here is a quick overview on what we discussed in our last member meeting. First, Beth started off by  talking about Joy Delyria From PSC who gave a workshop at lunch on Friday 3/31 on how to talk to nonscientists about “controversial” topics. Then, Emily Myers from 500 Women Scientists introduced the 500 Women Scientists and gave the opportunity to join this wonderful group. If you are interested in joining this group, please email Beth then announced that Donna Nelson will join us for a lecture series at some point in the next two years. Katie C. was informing us for the multiple workshops occurring in DICE. Then, we were doing brainstorming for possible collaborations between WCS and Free Radicals, the chemistry interest club and honor society at the University of Washington; two main ideas were the panels that were given and trivia which occurred last year. Beth said to think about the nominations for WCS Annual Lecture; these nominations will open up within the next week or so. Coming to the conclusion of the meeting, Emily also is trying to set a date to give information about the RSO travel grant that can be obtained through WCS.

January 24, 2017: Member Meeting

The meeting was fairly short and included a variety of topics. The first major topic of discussion was the co-sponsoring of  oSTEM’s mental health workshop with Brenda Kessenich on February 9, 5 PM. We then changed the topic of conversation to the blog posts and writing of one for the March for Women. The officers were discussing who to select for the Dean’s Lecture and have not decided for certain. Lastly, Beth proposed a book to discuss during the Summer Book Club.


Member meeting Tuesday 9/6 at 9 am in CHB 339

In preparation for the start of the new academic year, we’ll be having a member meeting next week on Tuesday, September 6th at 9:00 am in CHB 339. Three questions we’re trying to answer:
1. What should we focus on in our presentation and flyer for the incoming first-year chemistry graduate students at orientation?
2. Should we switch officer elections from an in-person show-of-hands format to online?
3. What should our department’s diversity committee focus on, and how can we work with them moving forward?
Bonus question: What ice cream flavors and toppings should we get for our annual welcome ice cream social?
Feel free to email or talk to any of the officers if you have any ideas, or just bring your thoughts to the meeting. Hope to see you next week!

Member meeting Friday 6/24 at 9 in BAG 464

Our first WCS member meeting of the summer will be this Friday, June 24th, at 9:00 am in Bagley 464 (if you’re standing at Drumheller Fountain and facing Bagley, it’s in the back left corner of the building, on the fourth floor). There will be donuts and/or banana bread!

We have a bunch of things to discuss, including several potential summer events (mindfulness meditation workshop, summer picnic/outing, workshops with the career center) and some ongoing or upcoming projects (new outreach activities, diversity in STEM summit this fall, and more). If you have any other ideas or topics to discuss, please email us!

See you Friday!

Meeting Recap 02/19

Upcoming Events:

Annual Lecture: On Thursday, 02/25, we will be having Dr. Allison Campbell here to give a lecture. There will be many opportunities to see and interact with her!
– Lunch Q&A 12:00-1:30 in CHB 439. Please submit your questions!
– Lecture 4:00-5:00 in BAG 154.
– Reception to follow. More details to come later.

Recruitment Weekends/Mentor Program
– If you would like a “WCS Member” button to wear at the recruitment events, please let us know!
– WCS is starting a mentorship program that we’re rolling out at recruitment weekends. We’d love your feedback on the survey.
– If you’re interested in being a mentor to an incoming first year student, please email me (, Emily Rabe (, or Katie Corp ( We will be making a mentor survey soon.

– 03/12: Seattle Expanding Your Horizons
– 03/21: Lakeridge Science Night
– 04/01 – 04/02: Washington State Science Fair
– 05/14: Shoreline Science Night
Please email Rae Eaton ( for more info or to volunteer!

– We’ve revised the constitution. New parts are in blue text, strikethroughs are being removed. Please read the revisions and vote to ratify in the next two weeks (so by 03/07).

Member meeting: Friday 2/19 at 9:30 am in CHB 339

There will be a WCS member meeting next Friday, February 19th at 9:30 am in CHB 339. Feel free to join us for all or part of the meeting! Everyone is welcome.

We have lots of topics to discuss, including:

  • The second annual WCS lecture, featuring Allison Campbell, which is on Thursday, February 25th at 4:00 pm in BAG 154
  • Preparing the Chemistry CSI and Mars rover workshops for the Seattle Expanding Your Horizons conference on Saturday, March 12th
  • Other upcoming outreach events at Lakeridge Elementary on Mercer Island, the Washington State Science and Engineering Fair, and the Shoreline STEM Festival
  • The peer mentoring program WCS is developing for first-year grad students
  • The Little Free Library, which now exists in Rab’s Room but could use more books and decorations
  • Making some amendments to the WCS constitution
  • Events for spring quarter???

Please let us know if you have any questions, and especially if you have any ideas for what kinds of events you’d like to see during spring quarter. Hope to see you there!