Hi folks! Happy Memorial Day. Here’s my take on Dan Grunspan’s talk, titled “Old Boys’ Club Starts Early: Males Under-Estimate Academic Performance of Their Female Peers in Undergraduate Biology Classrooms.” After I give my two cents, I’ll provide some cool links! Some notes: Dan’s research differentiated between people using the words “male” and “female.” In order to stay true to his analysis, I will do the same (even though gender is a spectrum and male and female are technically references to “biological sex,” whatever that is).
Author Archives: Nick
Meeting Recap 05/10/2016
The notes from today’s meeting can be found on the Google Drive. For a recap of the important points, see below!
March 31 Member Meeting Recap
Hi everyone!
Here is your WCS member meeting recap. The subsections are organized into the following categories (so you can skip to the things that interest you most): Upcoming Events, Annual WCS Lecture Nominations, Outreach, and Announcements.
Dr. Allison Campbell – Recap and Write-Up
(This is being posted on behalf of James Gaynor, second year graduate student in Munira Khalil’s group.)
Speaker: Dr Allison Campbell – Acting Associate Laboratory Director for Earth and Biological Sciences at PNNL, President-Elect of the American Chemical Society
Thursday, February 25th, 4:00 PM, Bagley Hall 154
“Let me tell you what I would have liked to have known when I was younger,” began Dr Allison Campbell during the opening of the second annual Women in Chemical Sciences Lecture delivered by Allison on Thursday, February 25th, at the University of Washington’s Bagley Hall. In her lecture, entitled “Advice to my Younger Self: Tips and Lessons for Driving Your Career in Science,” Allison toured the audience through her childhood in Lake Oswego, OR., and her upbringing as a chemist while illustrating her evolution into her current position as Acting Associate Laboratory Director for Earth and Biological Sciences at PNNL, as well as her new role as the President-Elect of the American Chemical Society.
Meeting Recap 02/19
Upcoming Events:
Annual Lecture: On Thursday, 02/25, we will be having Dr. Allison Campbell here to give a lecture. There will be many opportunities to see and interact with her!
– Lunch Q&A 12:00-1:30 in CHB 439. Please submit your questions!
– Lecture 4:00-5:00 in BAG 154.
– Reception to follow. More details to come later.
Recruitment Weekends/Mentor Program
– If you would like a “WCS Member” button to wear at the recruitment events, please let us know!
– WCS is starting a mentorship program that we’re rolling out at recruitment weekends. We’d love your feedback on the survey.
– If you’re interested in being a mentor to an incoming first year student, please email me (montoni@uw.edu), Emily Rabe (rabee@uw.edu), or Katie Corp (corpk@uw.edu). We will be making a mentor survey soon.
– 03/12: Seattle Expanding Your Horizons
– 03/21: Lakeridge Science Night
– 04/01 – 04/02: Washington State Science Fair
– 05/14: Shoreline Science Night
Please email Rae Eaton (eatonrm@uw.edu) for more info or to volunteer!
– We’ve revised the constitution. New parts are in blue text, strikethroughs are being removed. Please read the revisions and vote to ratify in the next two weeks (so by 03/07).
01/08 Member Meeting Recap
Hi all,
Here is the meeting recap from last Friday:
- The Danz Lecture with Anita Sarkeesian will take place on January 21st in Bellevue. Sign up for the carpool here. Additionally, there will be a Q&A and a pre-lecture reception; contact Heidi (hdnelson@uw.edu) for more information/to sign up.
- There will be a career talk featuring Arwyn Smalley from St. Martin’s University on February 2nd, and there will be donuts.
- Echo Lake Science Night, a great outreach opportunity, will be February 11th. Rae will send out more info this weekend. Additionally, stay tuned for information about Seattle Expanding Your Horizons.
- On February 25th we will host the second annual WCS lecture featuring Allison Campbell. Her lecture will be at 4 PM, and there will be various other opportunities to meet and chat with her.
- We’re hoping to set up an optional mentoring program for incoming first-year graduate students. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or you want to help write surveys, contact Emily Rabe (rabee@uw.edu), Katie Corp (corpk@uw.edu), or Nick Montoni (me) (montoni@uw.edu).
- Sometime in the nearish future, we’ll be holding a constitution revision/ratification meeting. Stay tuned!
For more reference, here’s a document of upcoming events and the WCS calendar.
Finally, here are some links to non-WCS events that sound really cool (I know I will be going to them, anyway):
If you have any questions, ideas, concerns, comments, or complaints, feel free to contact your favorite officer.
Thanks, and have a happy quarter!
LGBTQ and You: Wrap-up, Recap, and More Thoughts
Last Thursday, WCS put together a primer on LGBTQ+/Queer identities. It focused on terminology, experiences, and breaking down binaries. The workshop was geared towards those who don’t already have a good frame of reference for how to understand LGBTQ+/Queer-identifying folks.