Find out more about WASMUN and the Model
United Nations Program in general.

Thanks for your interest! We appreciate any assistance you can provide. There are two main ways to get involved with WASMUN:

Chairpersons: This group leads the committee sessions during the conference. They have the most interaction with the high school students. You need to have a familiarity with the WASMUN rules, knowledge of your committee's topics and an awareness of the various positions of countries in your committee. Right now, all chairperson positions for the eight committees are filled, but if you are interested please email us at with a resume and a minimum of 100 words stating your model UN experience and/or why you are interested. If any position becomes available, we'll consider your application and get back to you.

Administration: WASMUN is seeking to grow in the community through increasing the number of students participating, developing ties with the UW Administration, increasing PR efforts, and fundraising. If you'd like to help, and especially if you have experience with the visual arts, fundraising, database setup, and event coordination, please email us! We just need a cover letter/email and your resume. The email address is