USPHA Newsletter

Vol. 1 -Summer 2011

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Tues, Oct. 25th
Annual USPHA Kickoff!
@ 5PM, UW Tower
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USPHA Officers (2010 - 2011)

2009-2010 | 2010-2011 | 2011-2012

Co-President: Amy Tseng (amytseng[at]

I'm a 5th year senior in Public Health and Geography. I love being involved on campus and was a FIG Leader for 3 consecutive years! I have studied abroad in Taiwan and LOVED it there! I was also fortunate enough to join a medical service student club while I was abroad and we had the opportunity to conduct health screenings and do health education in the rural areas of Taiwan where local aborigines live.

This quarter I'm writing my Public Health senior study/thesis on the topic of Perception and Usage of Public Transportation Among Older Adults with Mobility Disability.

Co-President: Sylvia Gozdek (smg2412[at]

Sylvia is a senior double majoring Anthropology (Medical Anthropology of Global Health) and International Studies (Global Health). She began her involvement in USPHA three years ago and appreciates the interdisciplinary nature of Public Health study.

Her passion is food studies and she has heavy involvement in the UW Farm club on campus. Focusing on the important of access to whole, nutritious food in urban areas is where she'd like to take her public health practice and studies.

Vice-President: Bernadita Manglona (bern2009[at]

Bernadita Manglona is a Chamorrita from the islands of Guam and the Marianas. She is a sophomore hoping to major in Public Health with a minor in Global Health and Diversity. After her undergraduate endeavors, she plans to go to dental school. She has a big craving for traveling, hiking, swimming, and exploring foods of different cultures. Bernie had goals of studying abroad. After study abroad in Tahiti, French Polynesia, she plans to study the Public Health movement in London, England this upcoming August. 

Secretary: Meghan Nordstrom (mcnord[at]

Treasurer: Shawn Whitefield (shawnw3[at]

My name is Shawn Whitefield and I am the Treasurer of USPHA! I am a senior, double majoring in biology and Public health, in the future hope to attend graduate school for Epidemiology or Public Health Genetics.

SPHA Liaison: Caitlin Ormsby (ctormsby[at]

I'm a junior in Geography and Public Health. If you haven't yet, you MUST, MUST go study abroad now. seriously, go now. The best public health education is not going to be in the classroom.

I once wore the same outfit for a month because my friend said I couldn't do it.

Public Relations: Annie Yoon (dehoot[at]

I'm a senior studying in American Ethnic Studies. I love learning about people, places, and of course, public health! I've been the PR for USPHA for two years now and I hope my public health experiences will be useful to me when I pursue a continuing education into nursing.

I also own two hamsters named Honey and Clover. :)

Web Master: Duy Huynh (dhuynh88[at]

I'm a senior graduating from the Geography Department (Global Health track). I love taking courses on critical development issues and food/hunger topics.

I built this website! Like it??? I also run SEED's PPatch on campus. I love to cook, garden, and tinker with the inside of my computer. Basically anything I can do with my hands, I love doing!