USPHA Newsletter

Vol. 1 -Summer 2011

Upcoming Events

Tues, Oct. 25th
Annual USPHA Kickoff!
@ 5PM, UW Tower
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USPHA Officers (2009 - 2010)

2009-2010 | 2010-2011 | 2011-2012

President: Alvin Tranh (alvinho[at]

I am a graduating senior and have been a USPHA officer since its establishment almost three years ago.  This fall, I will be pursuing a Master's in Public Heath in Behavioral Sciences and Health Education (BSHE) from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.  At Emory, I hope to fulfill my practicum requirement through working at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or even the American Cancer Society.  My ultimate goal is to become a medical journalist and correspondent who will address public health-related issues to the general public through the media.

Vice-President: Lola Stronach (lolas[at]

Lola Stronach will receive her B.A. with honors in Geography and her B.S. in Public Health from the University of Washington in Spring 2010. Her studies focus on GIS (mapping), food, health and inequality. She will be a a graduate student at the University of Washington, working towards her MPH in Nutritional Sciences and certification as a Registered Dietitian in Autumn 2010.

Secretary: Sylvia Gozdek ( smg2412[at]

Sylvia Gozdek is a double major in Anthropology (Medical Anthropology) and International Studies (Global Health) and in her 3rd year here at the UW. She began her involvement in the USPHA two years ago and appreciates the interdisciplinary nature of Public Health study. Her passion is urban farming and she has heavy involvement in the UW Farm club on campus. Focusing on the importance of access to whole, nutritious foods in urban areas is where she'd like to take her public health practice and studies. She loves vegetables and thinks everyone should be able to eat nourishing, clean and sustainably grown ones.

Treasurer: Abigail Pearl


SPHA Liaison: Amy Tseng ( amytseng[at]


Public Relations: Annie Yoon (dehoot[at]