
Event Information










2008-09 Events

Northwest Harvest


Fighting hunger in Washington state in a manner that respects the dignity of those we serve, since 1967



(800) 722-6924



The Food Group will be volunteering at NW Harvest the 4th Friday of every month, 3-5 PM.


To donate to NW Harvest you can go to the web-link to find your closest drop site.

Below are the two sites near UW. Also for tips on donating, see the foods NW Harvest suggests.

University drop sites:

Jet City Improv/Wing-It Productions (206) 352-8291             UPS Store (206) 524-2558

5510 University Way NE                                                                                 4756 Univ Village Pl NE


2007- 2008 Past Events


AUTUMN Active Outing: Bike & Play

*      When:  Friday, November 2, 2007

*      Where: Burke Gilman Trail to Magnuson Park

*      What:   Bike the Burke Gilman Trail from

the IMA overpass to Sand Point Fields

for an Ultimate Frisbee Game!

*      Who: Come meet students interested in Nutrition

*      Why: Enjoy the outdoors


To get to the Sand Point Fields, enter the park at N.E. 74th Street from

Sand Point Way N.E. Drive straight until you see whimsical, red wooden chairs

atop two precariously leaning blue poles (one of the park's public art works

titled "No Appointment Necessary"). The sports fields are directly east

(toward Lake Washington) and southwest from the chairs/poles.



AUTUMN Nutrition Gathering: Pizza Party

RSVP by Tuesday, Oct. 9th to foodgrp@u.washington.edu


*      When:   Friday, October 12, 2007; 2-4 pm

*      Where:  The COBB Oven on campus,

East of the green houses by Kincaid

*      What:    Bring your favorite ingredient

We provide the dough, sauce and cheese

*      Who:     Come meet students interested in Nutrition

*      Why:     Enjoy FREE tasty fire roasted pizza

Learn some helpful Nutrition facts


Have a Heart of Gold!

*        When:  Saturday October 6, 2007  8:30am (opening ceremonies)

*        Where: Qwest Field

*        What:  Heart of Gold” Heart Walk for the American Heart Association: 3.2 miles

or 1 mile for survivors

·        Many booths, food, information at Qwest field à all free for the walking!

·        Including a New NUTRITION AREA

*        Who:     You, You, YOU and everyone you know!!

*        Why:     Your heart is not worth its weight in gold, it’s priceless  (plus, you’ll get a cool T-shirt)

*       How:      Log on to www.pugetsoundheartwalk.kintera.org


You exercise, eat right, try to keep your stress down, but the fact is: cardiovascular disease is our nation’s

number one killer*.  Yet with all your attempts to avoid heart attacks, strokes, and other heart diseases,

there is still so much research to be done for prevention and treatment.


Join Food Group at UW along with University of Washington Medical Center Regional Heart Center,

the University of Washington, Harborview Medical Center, UW Physicians, Neighborhood Clinics, and

the School of Medicine for the American Heart Association’s annual Heart Walk.


Simply log on to the main Web site: www.pugetsoundheartwalk.kintera.org to get started.

·        SELECT: Join a team; Scroll down to UW Medical Center;

·        Then highlight FOOD GROUP, sign up and see you there!



2006-07  Past Events

Food Group Wine Tasting

What: Kick off spring quarter with a wine tasting

When: Saturday, March 31st at 5pm

Where: Avenue One- 2721 1st Ave Seattle(1st and Clay)

What to Bring: your favorite bottle of wine in a bag(so we don't know what it is)


Feel free to bring a snack as well if you like. Significant others are welcome. The party will be in the club room

on the 1st floor of the building. You can call 188 from the outside box to get in and there will be a concierge on duty.

Call Jaime at 425-445-0921 with any questions or just reply to this email.


U Wellness & Nutrition Day

Contact Information: Ben Atkinson, batkinso@u.washington.edu FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 5, 2007 


“U Wellness & Nutrition Day”: UW Nutrition Graduate Students Share Food Expertise With You!

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON – On Tuesday March 6th, Students from the University of Washington Graduate School of

Nutritional Sciences will share great tasting food and nutrition tips with the UW community.  As part of National Nutrition Month,

 they will be in 3 locations around campus sharing their culinary skills and nutrition knowledge—focusing on the needs

of students and staff.


The University of Washington is a unique campus filled with a diverse clientele of commuting students, busy faculty and staff,

and people from around the globe.  The Nutritional Sciences Graduate Program, the Food Group, and Housing & Food Services

have joined forces to provide a beneficial and educational day for those interested in learning more about good food and

simple ways to improve health through nutrition.


In the HUB building on campus, students will demonstrate some easy ways to cope with life stress, as well as show you

how to eat smarter away from home and on campus.  In both the University’s Terry-Lander and McMahon dining halls,

students will display quick and healthy meal ideas for UW students and staff on-the-go, plus share some simple strategies

on how new students can avoided the dreaded ‘Freshman 15’.  In all three of these sites students will also be preparing

freshly made meals that are both nutritious, and delicious.


 Good food is fun.  The University of Washington Nutritional Sciences Graduate students promise to show you

how to get the most out of what you eat and still enjoy it!  Come visit them on Tuesday March 6th between

11am and 2pm in the HUB, Terry-Lander, and McMahon on the University of Washington campus. 


Eating Disorders Panel

October 24th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Children’s Hospital Auditorium, 4800 Sandpoint Way NE, Seattle, 98105

EATING DISORDERS Panel and Presentation: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are and Where We’re Going

*         Treatment Strategies

*         Community Education

*         Personal & Professional Experiences


6:30 pm: Registration/reception with light snacks

7:00pm: Welcome; Four Panelist Presentations

7:50 – 8 pm Stretch Break

8-9pm: Moderated Panel of eight experts with Question & Answer period with the audience


See also the Children’s Hospital website for further information and a campus map at www.seattlechildrens.org

GSDA member: Free, Non-members: $10.00. There will be a late fee of an additional $5.00 at the door.

GSDA email: cdpamela1002@qwest.net, web: http:/www.eatrightseattle.org


RD Talks

October 25th, 4:30 – 6:30 pm, HSB T733
The Food Group invites you to a film-screening and facilitated discussion.
FREE REFRESHMENTS will be provided!
“Dieting At War with Our Bodies” is a documentary on the non-diet, health-at-every-size approach to healthcare and nutritional counseling.
After the film, we will discuss it and hear from a GUEST DIETITAN specializing in the non-diet approach to nutritional counseling.
The event intended to spark discussion and generate ideas for nutritional counseling strategies in a culture where obesity is widespread 
and effective long-term weight-loss strategies are rare. We look forward to hearing your thoughts, reactions, and ideas!!!
Please RSVP to Laura Hooper at hooperlaura@hotmail.com if you plan to attend.