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Silverfish Blog Roll

Check out all the blogs written by our very own iSchoolers. Some are quite prolific. Do you have one too? Submit it and we'll add it to the list...


Bryan Dosono is a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholar and his blog, Internationally Intrepid, follows naturally from this. It showcases global video logs, scholarship advice for studying abroad, and survival guide tips for travelers of all types.


NADs also known as The UW Netherlands Audio Diaries are the recollections of an Informaticist (Scott) and a Librarian (Karl) who went to The Netherlands to find out what happens when people stop being nice and start being real. They never found out, because the Dutch are really, really nice. They did get a lot of laughs and pictures though, and those are available here:

If you want more food reviews by Silverfish's own Lianne Ho, fried rice blog has restaurant reviews and recipes for dining in by Lianne and others.

Audrey Kentor writes Pitaron Park about Judaism, community and sustainabilty.

Bo Kinney has already made a name for himself as a commentator on library science, libriaran education and libraries. The Letter Z offers some of his insights.

Audra Loyal (Online) is a ceramics artist and works at University of Montana Library's Preservation Department. At The Vespiary she adroitly comments on book conservation.

At Librarian Wannabe Stephanie Rubel (Online) considers her work at a small public library and its place in the community.

The Early Bird Special by Claire Tarlson (Online) covers food and politics with playful humor.

One Document contains the thoughts of Phoebe Wayne (Online) on poetry and library science and occasionally her own works of verse.


Sarah Davies (MSIM 2012) writes about tech, policy, culture, and parenting.

Peter Ellis considers issues of computing, politics-- in particular environmental sustainability-- and life at the Information School.


Now a Program Manager for Microsoft, Marshall Bjerke (Informatics 2008) muses on life and Seattle sports.

Ben Christensen (MLIS 2008) maintains the FOB cave where he reflects on his upbringing in the Mormon Church, politics, and fatherhood. FOB comics is where he houses his thoughts on comic books and strips.

Tom Dobrowolsky (MLIS 2005) is "Tom" at where he's a regular contributor and has his own blog as The Urban Archivist where he thoughtfully documents urban life in Seattle in text and photos.

Michael Ellerbeck (Exec MSIM 2007) maintains networks for a living and it shows, but he also discusses his artistic pursuits and experiments.

Blip Bloop is Zach Hale's (Informatics 2008) journal of life, culture, technology and music.

Linda Lane (MSIM 2008) is artistic- and globally-minded in her discussions of User Experience Design at Wonderlane.

Bozeman-based Catherine McMullen (dMLIS 2008) keeps the green librarian, a blog concerned with enviromental issues.

Portland-based librarian Phoebe Owens (dMLIS 2008) relishes nerd culture, getting crafty and the occasional cute animal picture at Phoeblog.

In Pilgrim's Progress, Marika Pineda (MLIS 2008) chronicles her life as she enters librarianship, the most recent entries recount her fascinating time working in a rural Oregon public library.

Gabor Por (dMLIS 2008) is a prolific critic: his personal blog at GaBlog covers what books and movies he's reading and watching for leisure. His Sefarim blog collects books published in English concerning Jewish Kabbalah. The blog for the library at Temple Beth Ami in Santa Rosa, California that he maintains is filled with book reviews particularly relevant to his patrons.

Miriam Rigby (MLIS 2008) is doing something quite original at Polterheist: she simply offers transcripts of odd conversations with her friends, often copied directly from chat histories.

Brian Rowe (Informatics 2005) has a blog covering many of his personal interests, as well as Freedom for IP, dedicated to exploring the interaction of Intellectual Property Legislation with Human Rights.

What can be said of Gnutty for Gnomes? Beth Sanderson (MLIS 2008) may be chronicling a cultural meme of great significance derived from that classic garden ornament. Or maybe she just thinks little bearded men are funny.

Terri Shofner (dMLIS 2008) is concerned with non-violence and other progressive issues at

Larry Schwerzler (MSIM 2007) opines on politics, culture and technology at Placebo.

Grant Yuan (Informatics) co-authors the Chef Seattle Northwest food guide. (Its organized so well you know an Informatics grad is behind it.) The massive and useful blog sits at its core. Besides eating and cooking, coding and other issues pertaining to life as a food critic and web developer come up.

"Hob Meadow" is the pen name for Robert, a 2006 MLIS grad who maintains a tribute site to The Hobbit.





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