Winter Issue 2001
     The Newsleter of the Association of Library & Information Science Students (ALISS)

The Silverfish is published quarterly by the students of the Information School at the University of Washington.

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The Silverfish Contents

ALISS Announcements
Upcoming Conferences

Directed Fieldwork
iSchool Student Snapshots
Book Reviews
Alumni Profile
Request for Submissions


ALISS Announcements

ALISS Booksale
This year's ALISS booksale was the most successful ever, thanks to the generous donations of books and time by our iSchool community. A special thanks to Trent Hill, outgoing ALISS Secretary, who helped make it all happen...

Sandy Berman
Mark your calendars! ALISS is pleased to announce that Sandy Berman will be visiting the University of Washington to speak on Tuesday, April 16th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm in OUGL 220. A special thanks to outgoing ALISS president Jill Seidenstein who made the arrangements. As Jill notes, "for those of you who aren't familiar with Sandy and his work, Sandy represents an alternative perspective, and has worked his entire career challenging mainstream practices that exclude many communities - for example, challenging terminology used within subject headings by the Library of Congress to catalog materials." For more information about Sandy, visit:

Upcoming Conferences

Directed Fieldwork & Work Study Experiences

On March 1 2002, ALISS organized and presented its first Directed Fieldwork Panel consisting of several iSchool students who completed fieldwork experiences. If you have a fieldwork experience that you would like to share, please drop us a line!

Kirsten Freeman-Benson: Eckstein Middle School
March 29, 2002

Libby Burke: University of Washington Libraries Manuscripts, Special Collections and Archives
March 29, 2002

Jill Seidenstein: Utne Reader Library
March 27, 2002

Catherine Stickley: Immunex
March 22, 2002

Ann Margaret Thompson: Pierce Community College Library
April 11, 2002

Kris Unsworth: Wissenschaeftszentrum fuer Sozialforschung - Berlin
April 1, 2002

Krista Undeberg: Chawton House Library
March 1, 2002

iSchool Student Snapshots

Exciting insights and the real dirt on...

By Heidi Andress

Book Reviews:

"The Laws of the Web: Patterns in the Ecology of Information" by Bernardo Huberman In this work, Huberman, tries to explain fundamental patterns that have so far been noticed in web research...
By Robert Malesko
January 19, 2002

"Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference" by Malcolm Gladwell An enjoyable work devoted to the phenomenon of how social trends and behavior can suddenly become part of the mainstream without apparent antecedent...
By John W.N. Buell
March 29, 2002

Alumni Profile

Stephen Conroy: Librarian, Broward County Library, Florida
March 26, 2002

Submissions Requested

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge with the rest of the student body? Have you attended any conferences or taken an interesting or worthwhile class outside of the department? Would you care to review nearby bars for us? Send your Silverfish submissions to Ariel Johnson or John Buell.

Edited by Ariel Johnson and John W.N. Buell

Silverfish Web Design by John W.N. Buell