Letter From the Editor...Dear iFolks, We at the Silverfish sure do appreciate your patience with this month's issue. Now that the portfolio madness is over you can look forward to a completed issue very soon... Like right now! This month's issue brings us a variety of news, feature stories and op ed pieces from a number of 'fish contributers old and new. So while you anxiously await your portfolio approval from that mysterious (and hopefully merciful) second reader, you can pass the time easier by reading up on this month's Silverfish. Enjoy! Love, The Delicious Staff of the Silverfish Jeanne Doherty
March/April 2006 Vol. X Issue 3 |
Bibliophiles Spread the Love!
SLA Joint Student/Chapter night
iWorld Looks to Southeast Asia
Meet Your New SLA Officers!
Are We Safer in the Dark?
A Teleconference on Open Access to Government Information
Alien Information Behavior
(or) Do you really want to know what a Ph.D. student spends time on?
The great firewall of China
Communities of Practice: Learning from One Another
Share the wealth (of knowledge) The Question, Answered at Last How does one organize their CD collection? |
Cook the Books!
Delicious photos from Seattle's Edible Book Festival
Bleak House
Cinematherapy for Graduate Students 101
Event Links
Page last updated: April 17, 2006