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Submission Guidelines

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge with the rest of the student body? Have you attended any conferences or taken an interesting or worthwhile class outside of the department? Would you care to review books or nearby bars for us? We are interested in your contribution! Anecdotes, articles, poems, art work and more! We encourage all submissions relevant to students at the iSchool. Please email all submissions to the Silverfish.

Submission Guidelines and Policy

Note: Stories and event notices may be submitted to the Silverfish, or directly to Silverfish staff members.

  1. All material by (current or former) iSchool students will be considered for publication in the Silverfish newsletter or blog.
  2. Students interested in writing regularly will be granted full access to the Silverfish blog.
  3. Anyone is welcome to comment on the Silverfish Blog.
  4. Members of the iSchool community may request that an event be added to the Silverfish calendar.
  5. All iSchool students are welcome to contribute thoughts or comment on stories and may choose to do so anonymously.
  6. The Silverfish staff reserves the right to edit blog and newsletter submissions.


  1. Submissions are preferred as a Microsoft Word document.
  2. We may want to use your picture, if you have one in the iSchool student directory, to accompany your submission in the Silverfish. Please let us know if you do not want us to use your picture.
  3. If you have a graphic you would like to accompany your submission, email it along with your submission as a separate attachment. You may submit as many graphics as you want, but we reserve the right to edit your submissions due to design issues.


To save your fellow students some time, please identify links in the document using the following format:

Your submission: The <a href=””>Rock Star Librarian</a> is an excellent source of alternative news for the information professional.

How it will look: The Rock Star Librarian is an excellent source of alternative news for the information professional.


  • A general spell check will speed the editing process and our production time.
  • Articles should be 500 to 1,000 words in length. We will accept longer articles on a case by case basis. Papers that were written for class should be less than 2,500 words.
  • Have fun!

About the Silverfish


Submission Guidelines