Luis Bravo

image of a beach

All about me!

Hello, full name is Luis Angel Bravo Espinoza. I was born here in Seattle washington. I went to Chief Sealth International High School. I was a full IB student and I will be receiving the IB diploma for completing the program. I have done a lot of volunteer work at my local library. I have organized programs for all ages! I have even worked with the elderly to make a working AM radio! I have worked with children teaching them how censors work. I've put on a video game tournament for the local teenagers of my area. They have all been very interesting processes with many complications. I have learned to work with various types of people and this has definetely helped me develop my communication skills. I have completed over 120 volunteering hours thanks to the different projects i've done at the library.


I have travelled to Spain and Mexico. I lived in Spain for eight weeks and studied at the University of Leon. At this university I had the opportunity to perfect my spanish and to learn all about Spains history. This was through a wonderful program called Washington World Fellows that paid for everything. Additionally, I was given credits through Central Washington University. This was an amazing experience because I got to travel all around Spain and learn about the different historical places. Spain was an amazing experience because I was also given classes to learn how to dance, and to learn how to cook certain cultural foods. I was taught a lot of things during this time, including things you dont normally get in a classroom.

I have also travelled to Mexico. This was a personal trip and visited my family. My mothers side of the family is from Chiapas, Mexico so that is where I travelled to first. I hadn't seen my grandma in over 15 years so it was so great to finally see her again. I also had the opportunity to travel travel north to Veracruz where I met my paternal grandparents for the first time. It was definetely a big change from my grandmas house to my paternal grandparents because they lived in a more farm like area. They lived in houses they had built themselves and they owned a lot of land where they grow different crops. This was a very fun trip for me because I had the chance to visit a lot of family I hadn't seen in years. Additionally, I got to meet a lot more family I didn't even know existed.