Tableau Emblem

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Intro to Tableau

Tableau is a freemium product that is great for data analysis but really shines for the creation of data visualizations. This tutorial looks at commuter data in Washington state. The data originates form the US Census. You will learn some basic field calculation and data visualization, including mapping and chart building.

Step 1: Download the Tutorial

Files Description
Tableau Tutorial
  • Version 5.14.2018
  • An extensive walkthrough of data managemet, chart building, and map making

Step 2: Download the file archive and question sheet (optional)

Files Description
Tableau Public Practice File Archive
  • This archive contains all the files you will need for the completion of this tutorial section.
  • It features modified datasets from the US Census Bureau: DP03 and S0802
  • Population data from the 2012 and 2016 ACS
  • Data Source: US Census Bureau
Question Sheet
  • Follow along and answer the questions as you work through this session


Click the question links to download the PDFs for the answer. You may also follow along with the sample dataset.

Question Sample Dataset Description
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