Disc Golf at UW

The Washington Ultimate Frisbee team has designed a course on campus. This is not a *real* frisbee golf course. It is designed for us (the team) to have fun, build team chemistry, and improve throwing skills.

Several variations on the course have been played over the years, but the description below is the most popular design. It takes about 2 hours for 3 people to complete the course, and the pars are based on difficulty (precision) as well as distance. Good handlers for a men's team "should" be able to birdie most holes.


Teeing off - Unless otherwise stated, the tee of a given hole is 3 strides from the designated marker. This is merely a distance measurement. A player may take as many steps up to this point as they wish.

Shots after Tee - From the point where the disc hits the ground, one's pivot foot may be one stride away. The pivot foot is not to leave the ground.

Obstacle - If the motion of the throw you are going to use is impeded by an object, it is possible to move the disc up to 10 feet, making sure that it goes no closer to the hole, out of or away from the obstacle. There is no stroke penalty.

Innocent Bystanders - Hitting a UW student above the knees results in a two stroke penalty. If a person decides to be "helpful" and picks up your disc and throws it back to you or picks it up in any way, the disc must be played from there (where you arrive at your disc). It is not allowed to encourage people to advance your disc nor is it allowed to encourage people to move your opponents' discs.

Bonuses - holes that have light-posts or trashcans as their "cups" carry with them certain perks. If the disc hits the light portion of a lamppost from more than 10 yard from the base of the lamp or travels into the trash can from more than 10 yards away from the trash can itself, that stroke does not count.

Disclaimer: DO NOT USE GOLF DISCS!!!! They are dangerous and this course is not designed with them in mind. Use a regulation 175 gram ultimate disc (preferably an old one, because it will get chewed up).

Hole-by-Hole Course Description

1: Tee from the Broken Obelisk. The Broken Obelisk is the funny looking sculpture composted of a pyramid and an upside-down obelisk in Red Square. The disc is to travel across Red Square, to the right (West) of Gerberding Hall and down the steps. The hole is the last lamp post on the East side of Meany. Par 4.

2: Tee is from the Bricks on the same level as the previous hole. One is not allowed to stand on the "banister". The disc must be thrown from the ground. The hole is across the street and to the left (East) of Johnson Annex underneath the break in the buildings between Johnson Hall and The Atmospheric Science/Geophysics building. The hole is a sign near the door of the building that reads "Quaternary Geophysics Laboratory". Par 4.

3: The Tee is from the grass on which the last hole was located. The disc is to travel west over the railing and to hit the lamp post (anything metal) on the far side of the stairs between the Johnson Annexes. To get down to the level of the hole, go through the doors of the building, take a right, go down one floor, go right out of the stair and follow the corridor to the loading dock. Par 3

4: Tee from the grass that is about 12 feet above the road ont he other sie of the stairs as the lamp post for hole 3. Looking down the length of the road, one should be on the right of the lines. The disc is to travel down (south) Wahkiukum Lane and to hit the post part of the railing that is near the liquid nitrogen tank of the new Chemistry Building (CHB). It is on the left side of the road. The disc MUST hit the POLE portion and not one of the railings. Par 5.

5: The tee is from withing the yellow lines of the parking spot across the street from the 4th hole. The hole is around the corner of the new Chemistry Building (CHB) and on the other side of the walled walkway. The hole is the second pine tree on the lawn. The disc must hit the trunk, not just the branches. Par 3.

6: To get to the 6th tee, go up the stairs to the main doors of the new Chemistry Building (CHB). Tee from anywhere before the stairs you just came up. The hole is across Rainier Vista and all the grass and is a green fire hydrant on the northwest corner of the new Engineering Building (EE1). The hole is located between two rocks. Par 5

7: Tee from the metal grate on the southwest side of Drunheller fountain. The disc MUST travel during its flight over the water of the fountain. If the disc does not, one must re-tee until it does. One may simply graze the fountain if one wishes. The hole is the trash can on the northeast corner of the northeast rose garden surrounding Drumheller Fountain. Par 4.
*Should the disc land in the water:

  • and the person who threw it retrieves his/her own disc, there is no penalty.
  • and no one retrieves the disc, there is a 3 stroke penalty to the person who threw it.
  • and someone other than he/she who threw the disc into the water retrieves it, there is a 1 stroke penalty to the thrower and a 2 stroke advantage for he/she who went into the fountain to get it.
  • Should more than 1 person volunteer to retrieve the disc, it is a race.
  • and it is close enough to retrieve with a pole or branch, there is a 1 stroke penalty. No penalty for using hands or arms or feet
  • Discs are pulled out radially from the center of the fountain.

*Designated hitters may not be used.

8: Tee from anywhere on the circled portion of Drunheller Fountain. The disc is to travel up Rainier Vista and to hit the center door of the north entrance to Mary Gates Hall. Par 5.

9: Tee from the concrete out front of Mary Gates Hall (below the steps). The hole is the handicapped button on the Allen side of the skybridge. If the disc hits the button from more than 10 yards away hard enough for the door to open, that shot is not scored. Careful of wind. Par 3.

10: Tee from anywhere under the Allen Skybridge. The hole is the top of the bench (where one might put his butt or back) on the North side of the HUB lawn. If the disc lands and stays on the top of the stump from more than 10 yards away, that shot is not scored. Par 3.

11: Tee from the bark. The disc is to travel on the right (southeast) side of Thomson Hall and must hit the trunk of the second large deciduous tree on the southeast side of the Communications Building. Par 4.

12: Tee from within the walled-in grass on the southeast side of the Communication Building. The hole is around the North end of the Communication building and is the wooden door on the South East side of the Music Building. Par 4.

13: Tee from the grass on the northwest side of the Communications Building. The hole is across the northeast end of the Quad and is the sign near the door on the west corner of the Art Building that says "The [P]Art[Y] Building". Par 5.

14: Tee from the grass next to the sign. The hole is the cut stump on the East corner of Denny Hall. The disc MUST hit the cut portion of the stump. The roots and back do not count. Par 4.

15: Tee from the top of the steps of Denny Hall. The hole is the door on the northwest side of Savery Hall. This is the door that one can see from the tee and is not the door across the pathway from Rait Hall. The disc must hit the DOOR portion (i.e., not the window or the stone but the DOOR). Par 3.

16: Tee from the bricks between the two staircases by the previous hole. The hole is the lamppost which is 10 yards west of the flag pole (the large one at the top of the stairs by Kane Hall). The disc can hit ANY part of the lamppost. Par 5.

17: Tee from the inner circle that surrounds the flagpole. The disc is to travel down the stairs between OUGL and Kane Hall then down the stairs between OUGL and Meany. The hole is the statue of George Washington above the first level of concrete (it's about 15 feet above the ground). Par 4.

18: Tee from the concrete breast-looking things on the Red Square side of George Washington. The hole is the upside-down portion of the Broken Obelisk. Par 4.