Here are the events that we typically hold or frequent.
GCAP Events:
Current and former graduates that identify as students of color are welcome to join.
Chill Lunches:
- support group for members' concerns
- held biweekly at a predetermined location
Prospective Student Lunches:
- provide insight on members' experiences and answer questions for prospective students
- held yearly for visiting prospective astronomy and physics graduates
Member Meetings:
- update members on collaboration projects
- held monthly during the academic year (and as needed otherwise)
Social Justice Speaker Series:
- featuring talks, workshops, and discussions aimed towards BIPOC students
- held quarterly during the academic year
GOMAP Events
Real Talk Tuesdays:
- engage in real talk about issues that impact graduate students of color
Power Hours:
- featuring UW faculty and community leaders for 1.5 hour interactive sessions
- discuss topics unique to the experiences of persons of color