About Us
Meeting Minutes
Our Constitution

UW School of Law
Federalist Society

Meeting Minutes

General Meeting - May 17, 2006

Orrin called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. and called for elections. Orrin introduced the nominees to date.

President: Ranjit Narayanan

Vice President: Alex Chan

Secretary: Arleta Young

Treasurer: Tim Dance

Orrin let persons know that the current board, as 3L?s, will be working as advisors to the new persons. Also allowed that the constitution is going to be reworked for approval as to this date. Martin Bingisser nominated for Treasurer, Tim Dance withdrew and will be a 3L consultant.

Board was elected unanimously in toto.

President: Ranjit Narayanan

Vice President: Alex Chan

Secretary: Arleta Young

Treasurer: Martin Bingisser

Final BBQ ? floor opened for dates ? Memorial Day weekend dates nominated, and agreed ? Monday at 3:00 p.m. until ??

Who can make it? We would like to have as many people as possible show, so make sure you get the word out.

Location ? Golden Gardens

Orrin urged joining the National Membership - $5.00 membership fee and you get interesting articles and pamphlets in your interest, the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and more.

Blog ? please start writing for the blog. If you aren?t on the list, email Orrin or Ranjit and they will get you on.

We need to do more events as far as debates and try to advertise more and more frequently. We also need to work with the other schools more, and do more social gatherings so that we can build the community.

Faculty advisor ? Orrin has approached a couple of persons with limited success. Professor Allen will not be here next year so we need to have a new faculty advisor. Professor Lombardi was a member of the Federalist Society in the past but may not be able to or want to be an advisor.

Asked for persons to nominate professors that they think may be interested in being a faculty advisor.

For TGIT dates, when do we need to start putting in our bids. Orrin and Ranjit will be working on it. The SBA this year has done a really good job to react to what the students concerns are and lobby for them. Request list goes out early and they will try to get our names on it early.

Orientation week events. 1L orientation student organization luncheons ? this year we really need to have a presence for the students right away.

Meeting adjourned at 1:08 p.m.