
Introducing the New Silverfish Staff
by Jamie Hancock, Silverfish Editor, 07-08
Who is accountable for what you’re reading in the Silverfish? If you think it’s garbage, then you should blame one of the following: capitalism, Tonya Harding, Clay Bennett, oil companies, Crocs footwear, the Dadaism movement or one of the New Kids on the Block (preferably not Jordan). But if you believe this is a highly informative and stimulating newsletter, these are the people who deserve your praise. They come from different backgrounds, but all share the desire of someday wearing a lemon-colored master’s hood.
Anne Dame, 3ditor, aka Cerberus
Anne has a slight tendency to exaggerate, an extreme affinity for bathing in chocolate and is prone to staying up til 4 AM to finish a good book. Upon graduation from the iSchool, she hopes to land a cushy job with summers off for good behavior and perhaps be nominated for sainthood for her work with those unruly beasts called children. When she is not reading YA lit, she can often be found hiking, eating waffles or planning trips to faraway places.
Cadi Russell-Sauve, 3ditor
Grew up on Vashon Island and has an over-active imagination and a tendancy towards self destruction. Upon completion of the dual MLIS/MPA degree, Cadi hopes to be a trophy wife with philanthropic tendancies. She enjoys long walks in the rain and her spirits are raised with the gloom of overcast Northwest days.
Lianne Ho, 3ditor
Lianne is the only University of Hawaii graduate in her MLIS cohort, because apparently no one else was crazy enough to give up year-round sunshine for clouds and rain. After graduating from the iSchool, she hopes to work in an academic library. During her free time (or when she's avoiding her school work), she can be found playing Scrabulous on Facebook, rearranging her Netflix queue, or at Trader Joe's.
Jill Hardy, Web-mistress
Jill is reincarnating her career. Previously a photojournalist, Jill now has a new equation: all things visual (moving and still) + databases + cataloging + informatics = splendid. She just hopes to graduate someday and if that day comes she fancies a job at a museum or image house. Plan C consists of vocational school for plumbing. Seriously, welding is hot.
Heather K. Schmidt, Publicity Manager
Heather graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in English Literature. Even though she grew up in Chehalis, WA, she still knows how to have a good time. She tenatively aspires to work as a reference librarian but is open to other avenues. Heather's precious hours of spare time are spent either running at the IMA or binging in her kitchen. "Peer pressure" is her forte, and she is going to spend the next few quarters convincing everybody that reading Silverfish is, like, the most valuable way to spend any allotment of time.
Meagan Lacy, Publicity Manager
Meagan Lacy has aspirations of being a reference librarian somewhere, anywhere. When she isn't in class or working at the Foster Business Library, she likes to eat hot fudge sundaes at the Coastal Kitchen. They're sublime.