


Letter from the editors

Wow, is the quarter started already? It feels like the break just began! Well… there's always spring to look forward to in the meanwhile. That, however, would be overlooking the quarter we have lined up for us. The iSchool is hopping, with everything from ASIS&T's iCareer week to the weekly Information and the Quality of Life reading and discussion group to the annual ALISS book sale. There are conferences approaching too - from WLA 2005 in Spokane (April 20-23) to the ASIS&T 2005 Information Architecture summit in Montreal (March 3-7). If you're lacking for stuff to do, you're not looking hard enough! Oh yeah, then there's that whole Portfolio thing for some of us to consider…

We'd like you to see this issue of the Silverfish a "holiday issue," in the sense that we were all just on holiday and many of us didn't have time to write, so it's a little shorter than usual. We've got interesting plans for coming issues, from the romance issue to the SPL issue! In the meanwhile, take a gander at the Blast from the Past and read about the joys of eating paste, catch up on the fun from ASIS&T in Providence, and learn about the benefits of being mentored. Enjoy!


Phoebe Ayers & John Glover
Silverfish Co-Editors
Please send submissions, comments, and letters to:



January 2005
Vol. IX Issue III
News From ALISS
Features Biblioteca A continuing series about international information issues. Providence 2004 A report on ASIS&T Annual Meeting Photos from Providence A photo tour of the ASIS&T Annual Meeting
Opinion i-Files Working with mentors
Editorial On the value of student research
Entertainment iFunny Comics of our iLives Judging a Book by its Cover librarianship revealed through book titles Blast from the Past Choice selections from the Silverfish Archives
Reviews iWatch Before Sunset iRead Margaret Atwood's Blind Assassin
Events Events


Page last updated:January 10, 2004