By Phoebe Ayers, MLIS Day
Many UW iSchool faculty and students attended the 2004 ASIS&T conference this past year in Providence, myself among them. It was my first time in Providence and my first time at the ASIS&T conference, and so I took lots of photos, some of which appear here. Thanks to Kristen Shuyler, my fellow traveler, for several of these pictures. Please see Martha Smith's account appearing in this issue for more on the conference.

Providence is a very picturesque town. This is a view from the upstairs window of the hotel where the conference was held. Courtesy Kristen Shuyler.

It looks remarkably like New England, all in all. Courtesy Kristen Shuyler.

A personal highlight of the conference was seeing Tim Berners-Lee speak. Here is he waxing philosophical. Courtesy Kristen Shuyler.

Samantha Starmer, UW MLIS student, posing with her poster. Courtesy Kristen Shuyler.

Here is proof that all that iSchool training is valuable - apparently you need Powerpoint skills to work in a gift shop nowadays! This sign was posted in the window of the hotel shop. Phoebe Ayers

As usual, our own Joe Janes was the star of the show at Sig Con, the annual comedy show at ASIS&T. He gave a very enlightening presentation entitled "Information behavior: Not what you think." Courtesy Kristen Shuyler.

You would have had to have been there. Phoebe Ayers

One afternoon Kristen and I went walking, and we stumbled onto the Providence Athenaeum, the country's fourth oldest library. It is still in operation and open to the public; it operates as a subscription library, a very old and now-rare model. Phoebe Ayers

It was very beautiful. Phoebe Ayers

It even had an operational card catalog. Phoebe Ayers

Providence also has a lovely capitol building. Note the snow on the nearby roof. Note also that this was snow that fell before Thanksgiving. Note that New England is cold. Phoebe Ayers

A few - but by no means all - of the UW attendees. From left to right, Phoebe Ayers, Genevieve Williams, Corprew Reed, Kristen Shuyler and Aaron Louie. We are standing in front of the aptly named bar in the hotel where the conference was held. Courtesy Kristen Shuyler.