


Letter From the Editor...

Hello Folks,

We are a traveling ‘fish this month! Biblioteca takes us to Brazil to look at Internet governance, Emily Inlow gives us something to think about regarding our information assumptions, seen through the concept of Internet kiosks in rural India, and Esti Shay takes us all the way out to Maple Leaf to look at some very interesting puppets. Sometimes it is nice to get out of your cloistered little world, and we are glad for the opportunity.

For those who aren’t feeling quite so international, there is a fascinating study-cum-policy suggestion from Michael Wood on unattended children at the library. We also have the usual cast of characters: some mighty fine reviews (if I do say so myself), a touching look back at the ‘fish of years gone by, and the usual iSchool event news.

Here at the (mythical) ‘fish offices, we now have a Marketing Director, Doug Eriksen. Expect to hear from him on how you just need to read the Silverfish more often...

As always, we welcome your comments, complaints, rants, raves, letters, photos and article submissions.

Please send them our way at

Until next time…


The Delicious Staff of the Silverfish

Jeanne Doherty
Silverfish Editor
Please send submissions, comments, and letters to:












December/January 2006
Vol. X Issue 2
News RIG-ers go forensic! A Successful Residency for dMLISers WLA On the Horizon Announcements From the Fish
Features Playing On the Job The rare collections at the Northwest Puppet Center ICT4D Unpeeling our information assumptions SLA Spotlight Competitive Intelligence Biblioteca ASIS&T 2005 & the World Summit on the Information Society
Opinion Kids Loose in the Stacks Notes on unattended children in the library
Entertainment Blast from the Past Choice selections from the Silverfish Archives
Reviews iRead Can't Stop Won't Stop iWatch Hustle and Flow
Events Events Event Links


Page last updated: February 1, 2006