Start making plans now to attend the 2006 WLA Conference in Tacoma! Preconferences will be held on Wednesday, April 19, 2006, and we have a GREAT line-up of 5 preconferences to choose from this year. Descriptions are below. Registration information is available on the WLA website:
***Rev Up Your Online Services: Blogs, RSS, Wikis and other Dynamic and Low-cost Technologies
Presenters: Jenny Levine, Strategy Guide, Metropolitan Library System, Burr Ridge Illinois and The Shifted Librarian ( and Michael Stephens, Special Projects Librarian, St. Joseph County Public Library, South Bend, IN ( )
Explore how blogs, RSS, wikis and social software can be used to offer a more useful and dynamic library website for your patrons. This workshop will describe how no or low-cost tools can be implemented by any library, no matter how big or small, right now.
***Prospecting for Gold: Effective Fundraising Strategies
Presenters: Jeanne Thorsen, KCLS Foundation; Terry Collings, SPL Foundation; Jonna Ward, SPL Foundation; Nancy Patton, Sno-Isle Libraries
In these challenging economic times, fundraising is an option all libraries can use to enhance revenues. This program will include information on: the big picture for fundraising today, annual giving, planned giving, special events, how Friends and Foundations fit in, how to raise money for special projects, and how to be good stewards of donated funds.
***Corrective Action and Progressive Discipline: A Skill for New and Not-so-New Supervisors
Presenter: Lin Schnell, Human Resources Director, Seattle Public Library
One of your most dreaded roles as a supervisor may be to address serious employee work-related performance or behavior problems. This workshop provides the skills needed to make sound decisions about, and to lawfully implement, corrective action and employee discipline.
***Mastering Customer Service Skills
Presenter: Elaine Jennerich, Staff Training Coordinator, UW Libraries
This workshop will help all library staff master behaviors and skills that prove to your customers that your library cares about them and wants to meet their needs. Learn how to build rapport, listen actively, take the confusion out of explanations and directions, and deal with problems.
***Stories that Stick: Getting Your Tales Told in the Media
Presenters: Amy Columbo & Jennifer Fulstrap Hearn, The Metropolitan Group
Learn how to develop and effectively place stories about your library, and build relationships with the media. Gain experience as a library spokesperson by participating in interview situations, where you will receive professional guidance and feedback.