

Announcements from the Fish

Welcome Laura and Doug!

Since current web editor Burgess is moving on to greener pastures in the Spring, Laura Zingg has kindly and coolly agreed to take the torch (the baton?) ...well you get it. Hip hip hooray for Laura!

Our friendly neighborhood Doug has joined the 'fish ranks as Marketing Director! Say what? Yes, it's true, we actually recruited someone to coerce people (y'all) into reading our little newsletter! Think about it...

Call for Photo Submissions

Send us your digital photos for the Fish! They don't have to be part of a story, though accompanying text is welcome. Anything related to LIS, libraries, or otherwise of interest to Silverfish readers (yes that's you!). (Please do give enough info for a caption, however, if you would like one included with your photo submission!)


Contact the Silverfish
Page last updated: February 1, 2006