Welcome to UKC!

The University Kayak Club is an organization dedicated to all forms of paddling and open to University of Washington students, staff, and their spouses. The club hosts pool sessions (lake sessions during the summer), organizes outings, and provides equipment and instruction for club members. Please use the links at top to access more information about the activities we participate in. Much of the off-topic banter happens in our Facebook group. Come join us! How to Join Upcoming events are shown on the calendar. To join a sea or whitewater trip you must be a member of the UKC. If you are a member click on the trip for trip details and the trip leader’s email address. Then email the trip leader or reply to the appropriate forum post.

Click here to get emails about events and news about the club.

Thanks to Our Current Sponsors! The following companies have generously provided us with great deals on gear for the current season, allowing us to stretch revenue from membership a little further.

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If you need to access one of the old sites click the appropriate link:

Old Google site or Old UW site.