Stephanie Osorio-Tristan

Stephanie Osorio-Tristan

Tips for Success

Hi 190Z students! Lauren asked us to put together a few tips and pieces of advice for success in this class. My goal is to make you guys feel safe asking absolutely ANY questions, no matter how silly/small you may feel they may be!

Rubber ducks are your friend

Sometimes taking a step back and talking through your problem/code can help reveal what's going wrong. Grab a rubber duck (or pet, or plant) and explain each line of your code when you're stuck!

Ask for help

I used to be too stubborn to ask for help, so I wasted a lot of time trying to solve a problems on my own. I've realized setting myself a time limit to stop working and ask for help is much more effective. After you've had time to digest a problem on your own, your instructors can help show you how they approach certain problems and clarify any misunderstandings. You'll save a lot of time and learn how to shift your thinking!

Read through assignments ahead of time

If you avoid looking at everything last minute, you'll allow yourself time to ask clarifying questions through Ed or OH.

Use office hours!

This one applies to all your classes. Come to office hours prepared with questions you may have about an assignment/topic. TAs are always really friendly and want to help you out.