Russell Nyarko


My name is Russell Nyarko and I attend the University of Washington . I am pursuing my bachelors in Computer Science. I was born in Aurora, Colorado. Spent most of my time in Colorado and Ghana. I love to play volleyball on my free time or do photography and I am interested in modeling but you can find pictures of a few of my hobbies here. One of my favorite things to do to pass time is watch anime and you can check out my list here it is quite extensive.

Photo of me and friends Paintballing with friends


  • Russell Nyarko - "Being different is something we all have in common"
  • Russell Nyarko - "If you understood the world but lost yourself in the process. What did you gain?"
  • Dr.Seuss - "Sometimes you don't know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory"
  • Albert Einstien - "Reality is merely an illusion albeit a very persistent one"
  • Russell Nyarko - "Life is relative to your choices but your choices are relative to your situation"
  • Nelson Mandela - "After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb"