UW NSBE History

On March 21, 1974, four Black engineering students and a Black faculty member met to discuss the issues concerning the small number of Black and other minority students pursuing degrees in engineering and the technical sciences. This spearheaded the creation of the Association of Minority Engineering Students, which later became known as the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS (NSBE), UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON CHAPTER.

The goal of the UW chapter of NSBE is to increase the number and success of Blacks and other minority students pursuing rewarding careers in engineering and the technical sciences. We accomplish these goals by:

  • Advising the College of Engineering in its minority recruitment and retention programs
  • Providing academic and financial support to our members
  • Conducting activities geared toward the development of skills and attitudes of superior engineers, among members
  • Assisting Black students to become acclimated to the University

NSBE has an unyielding interest in striving for excellence in all of its endeavors. To this end, we have chosen a torch and lighting bolts as our logo. The torch symbolizes our everlasting burning desire to achieve success in this competitive society and to effect a positive change on the quality of life for all people. The lighting bolts represent the striking impact that will be felt by society and industry due to the contributions and accomplishments made by dedicated members of NSBE.

This is the University of Washington Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers. As indicated by this synopsis, “our history is vast and our potential is limitless.”