What is PACE?
In the United States, we are facing a rapid decline in the high school graduation rate. With the aid of the 800,000+ members of NSCS throughout the country, we have the conviction that we can make a signficant difference.That difference arose through the creation of The Planning for Collegiate Excellence (PACE) Program. The program empowers chapters to create local mentoring and tutoring programs to encourage all students to both graduate from high school and aspire to attend college. The PACE Program consists of three components:
Mentoring/Tutoring Program: NSCS chapters partner with local middle- and high-school age students (traditionally underserved populations) and meet with participants from those schools on a recurring basis to both encourage them to graduate high school.
Assemblies: NSCS chapters host assemblies at partnering schools on various topics covering college preparedness, i.e. expectations; financial aid; helpful high school courses; etc.
March to CollegeTM Day: NSCS chapters host PACE program participants on their campus for a day of activities to give them an example of what a day in the life of a college student can feel like.
Here at the University of Washington, our PACE team is setting up a program at the Northgate Elementary School in two 4th-5th grade classes. Our primary goal is to assist students with projects, answer student questions, teach a lesson plan or two, as well as lending a helping hand to the teacher in his or her teaching environment.Interested in being part of our PACE Program? Talk to us at a general meeting or email us at nscs[at]uw.edu.