OTM Winners
Advisor: Jake Picus, Nominated by Serena Snyder
Passive Program: Say What?!, Nominated by Polina Carlson
Spotlight: The Organizers of the MLK Day of Service, Nominated by Haley BrinJones
Advisor: Jake Picus, Nominated by Serena Snyder
Educational Program: Sweet Majors, Nominated by Kate Flowers
Executive Board Member: Serena Snyder, Nominated by Taran Dike
Organization: McCarty Connection, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Passive Program: Say What?!, Nominated by Polina Carlson
Resident Assistant: Taylor Kenney, Nominated by Maddie Abshire
Residential Community: Steven's Court Rsidential Life Staff, Nominated by Lindsay Sullivan
Social Program: Chocolate Buffet, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Spotlight: The Organizers of the MLK Day of Service, Nominated by Haley BrinJones
Student: Madison Holdaas, Nominated by Michelle Chang
Executive Board Member: Tyler Boonstra, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Community Service Program: Fall Hygiene Collection Drive, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Diversity Program: Spirituality Fair, Nominated by AJ Duxbury
Educational Program: Reduce, Reuse, Re-CRAFT!, Nominated by Taran Dike
Executive Board Member: Tyler Boonstra, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Organization: Terry Student Council,, Nominated by Ariana Westbrook
Resident Assistant: Orlaith Duggan, Nominated by Lindsey Sullivan
Social Program: McCar-TEA Par-TEA, Nominated by Polina Carlson
Diversity Program: Culture Fest at Cedar Apartments, Nominated by Meagan Schuver
Executive Board Member: Taran Dike, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Faculty/Staff: Lauren Boyd, Nominated by Serena Snyder
Advisor: Marissa Adamczyk, Nominated by Katie Gudgell
Community: Order of Frederick, Nominated by Madison Abshire
Community Service Program: Veteran's Day Campus Clean-Up, Nominated by Michael Han
Diversity Program: Culture Fest at Cedar Apartments, Nominated by Meagan Schuver
Educational Program: Food and Feedback, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Executive Board Member: Taran Dike, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Faculty/Staff: Lauren Boyd, Nominated by Serena Snyder
First Year Student: Kainen Bell, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Organization: Haggett People'sCouncil,, Nominated by Winthrop Hubbard
Passive Program: Winter Comforts, Nominated by Ian Walsh
Resident Assistant: Lindsey Sullivan, Nominated by Nathan McCurtain
Social Program: NRHH Goes to the Volleyball Apple Cup, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Spotlight: Debra Nelson, Nominated by Courtney Lewis
Student: Heather Jech, Nominated by Mindy Liou
First Year Student: Victoria (Ria) Hu, Nominated by Amanda Lobsinger
Student: Andrew Shaffer, Nominated by Madison Abshire
Executive Board Member: Winthrop Hubbard, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Advisor: Sue Ann Huang, Nominated by Taran Dike
Community: Haunted House Volunteers, Nominated by Brittany Nimeh
Educational Program: Arts Community Welcome Program, Nominated by AJ Duxbury
Executive Board Member: Winthrop Hubbard, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Faculty/Staff: Randall Reibe, Nominated by Marissa Adamczyk
First Year Student: Victoria (Ria) Hu, Nominated by Amanda Lobsinger
Organization: Lander Hall Council, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Passive Program: Post Your Inspiration, Nominated by Marc Meyer
Resident Assistant: Cassie Wada, Nominated by Kara Tebeau
Social Program: Maze of Monsters (Hansee Haunted House), Nominated by Lauren Uhde
Spotlight: Andy Mack, Nominated by Maddie Frost
Student: Andrew Shaffer, Nominated by Madison Abshire
Advisor: Jake Picus, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Executive Board Member: Mindy Liou, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Community: Poplar Hall, Nominated by Alexa Forster
Faculty/Staff:Amanda Lobsinger, Nominated by Alexa Forster
Passive Program: McMahon Opening Newsletter, Nominated by AJ Duxbury
Resident Assistant: Derrick De Vera, Nominated by Jennifer Connors
Social Program: Midnight Carnival in Red Square, Nominated by Haley BrinJones
Spotlight: Katrina Nelson, Nominated by Erica Barton
Student: Andrew Chesterfield, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Advisor: Jake Picus, Nominated by Serena Snyder
Passive Program: Say What?!, Nominated by Polina Carlson
Spotlight: The Organizers of the MLK Day of Service, Nominated by Haley BrinJones
Advisor: Jake Picus, Nominated by Serena Snyder
Educational Program: Sweet Majors, Nominated by Kate Flowers
Executive Board Member: Serena Snyder, Nominated by Taran Dike
Organization: McCarty Connection, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Passive Program: Say What?!, Nominated by Polina Carlson
Resident Assistant: Taylor Kenney, Nominated by Maddie Abshire
Residential Community: Steven's Court Rsidential Life Staff, Nominated by Lindsay Sullivan
Social Program: Chocolate Buffet, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Spotlight: The Organizers of the MLK Day of Service, Nominated by Haley BrinJones
Student: Madison Holdaas, Nominated by Michelle Chang
Executive Board Member: Tyler Boonstra, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Community Service Program: Fall Hygiene Collection Drive, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Diversity Program: Spirituality Fair, Nominated by AJ Duxbury
Educational Program: Reduce, Reuse, Re-CRAFT!, Nominated by Taran Dike
Executive Board Member: Tyler Boonstra, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Organization: Terry Student Council,, Nominated by Ariana Westbrook
Resident Assistant: Orlaith Duggan, Nominated by Lindsey Sullivan
Social Program: McCar-TEA Par-TEA, Nominated by Polina Carlson
Diversity Program: Culture Fest at Cedar Apartments, Nominated by Meagan Schuver
Executive Board Member: Taran Dike, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Faculty/Staff: Lauren Boyd, Nominated by Serena Snyder
Advisor: Marissa Adamczyk, Nominated by Katie Gudgell
Community: Order of Frederick, Nominated by Madison Abshire
Community Service Program: Veteran's Day Campus Clean-Up, Nominated by Michael Han
Diversity Program: Culture Fest at Cedar Apartments, Nominated by Meagan Schuver
Educational Program: Food and Feedback, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Executive Board Member: Taran Dike, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Faculty/Staff: Lauren Boyd, Nominated by Serena Snyder
First Year Student: Kainen Bell, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Organization: Haggett People'sCouncil,, Nominated by Winthrop Hubbard
Passive Program: Winter Comforts, Nominated by Ian Walsh
Resident Assistant: Lindsey Sullivan, Nominated by Nathan McCurtain
Social Program: NRHH Goes to the Volleyball Apple Cup, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Spotlight: Debra Nelson, Nominated by Courtney Lewis
Student: Heather Jech, Nominated by Mindy Liou
First Year Student: Victoria (Ria) Hu, Nominated by Amanda Lobsinger
Student: Andrew Shaffer, Nominated by Madison Abshire
Executive Board Member: Winthrop Hubbard, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Advisor: Sue Ann Huang, Nominated by Taran Dike
Community: Haunted House Volunteers, Nominated by Brittany Nimeh
Educational Program: Arts Community Welcome Program, Nominated by AJ Duxbury
Executive Board Member: Winthrop Hubbard, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Faculty/Staff: Randall Reibe, Nominated by Marissa Adamczyk
First Year Student: Victoria (Ria) Hu, Nominated by Amanda Lobsinger
Organization: Lander Hall Council, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Passive Program: Post Your Inspiration, Nominated by Marc Meyer
Resident Assistant: Cassie Wada, Nominated by Kara Tebeau
Social Program: Maze of Monsters (Hansee Haunted House), Nominated by Lauren Uhde
Spotlight: Andy Mack, Nominated by Maddie Frost
Student: Andrew Shaffer, Nominated by Madison Abshire
Advisor: Jake Picus, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Executive Board Member: Mindy Liou, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Community: Poplar Hall, Nominated by Alexa Forster
Faculty/Staff:Amanda Lobsinger, Nominated by Alexa Forster
Passive Program: McMahon Opening Newsletter, Nominated by AJ Duxbury
Resident Assistant: Derrick De Vera, Nominated by Jennifer Connors
Social Program: Midnight Carnival in Red Square, Nominated by Haley BrinJones
Spotlight: Katrina Nelson, Nominated by Erica Barton
Student: Andrew Chesterfield, Nominated by Nathaniel Block
Maddie's OTM Flow Chart
Click to read!![](OTMs/Category Flowchart.jpg)
OTM FAQs - Write to Win
An OTM is an “of the month” award used to recognize something or someone on campus that/who deserves recognition! There are 10 General categories and 4 Program categories for the awards, and they are given out on the local, regional, and national level based on how well they are written and what they are written about. Local is within the University of Washington, regional is in the Pacific Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (PACURH), and the national level is over all colleges and universities in the US.
We have OTMs because we all know what it is like to have our hard work go unappreciated. As an organization, National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) values recognition efforts - in fact, it's even one of our 4 pillars! We don’t want any good deed to go unnoticed, so if you see someone doing something amazing and it fits in one of the categories, we encourage you to write them a nice tribute and submit it!
What are the categories?
GENERAL categories:
× Advisor: Any advisor that has helped out significantly with residence hall student happenings is qualified for this OTM. A good topic is the advisor’s accomplishments in recognition and advising the students toward growth and development within the residence halls.
× Community: This OTM is for residential communities (like floors, wings, halls, RA staff, and executive boards) that have come together to make an impact on the greater residence hall community. Think about what makes this group different from other groups and how it interacts with other groups throughout the residence halls.
× Executive Board Member: Any executive board member of the Residence Hall Student Association (RHSA), NRHH, or hall council is eligible for this OTM. Specific instances of going above and beyond the job’s responsibilities are desired when writing an OTM for this position. Make sure to include what resources the member used from the National Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH), what challenges has this person faced, and how did they grow during this month?
× Organization: This OTM is for any residential life focused organizations (like RHSA, NRHH, etc.) that have done things to make one month stand out from other months. Things to think about: How did the organization influence the residence hall community and what is the focus of the organization?
× Resident Assistant: Any resident assistant (resident advisor) that has gone above and beyond the basics of being a resident assistant is qualified for this OTM. Please include their specific involvement with their hall council or other hall government programs and how he or she has connected with his or her residents.
× Spotlight: This award is for any member of the residence hall community that does not fall in any of the other categories (such as security, food service, or janitorial staff). Please describe how this person has benefited the residence hall community and gone beyond their job requirements.
× Student: This OTM is for any student that is not an RHSA executive board member, Resident Assistant, or advisor. Qualifications for this award include demonstrating exceptional leadership activity in various organizations or programs that set him or her apart from other student leaders. Make sure to talk about how their actions have influence the residence hall community.
× Bulletin Board: This OTM is for the people that put up bulletin boards that are in the residence halls. Requirements for this award are to describe how the person (most often an RA) has used their bulletin board to connect to their community in an effective and creative manner beyond the basic bulletin board information.
× First Year Student: This OTM is for first year residence hall leadership students. Think about how the student has sent him/herself apart from the other new students, how they have grown, and how they are influencing others around them.
× Faculty/Staff: This OTM is for a University of Washington faculty or staff member that has positively contributed to residence hall life. Please think about how the nominee has helped residence hall students learn, grow, and develop, and what they have done beyond their job requirements.
PROGRAM categories:
× Community Service: This OTM is for programs that advanced service to some part of the community. Make sure to talk about how students participated in the program and who put on the program.
× Diversity: This is for programs that promote diversity and understanding in the community. Please describe how the program was unique and what students were involved in the program.
× Educational: This OTM is for programs that promote education in the community. Make sure to include the type of education provided to the community, what need was fulfilled, and how the program was unique.
× Social: This is for programs that promote interaction between students on campus. Again, make sure to talk about the uniqueness of the program and if it can be adapted to other campuses.
× Get as close to the word limit as you possibly can!
× Describe personal experiences you had with the person or at the program you are writing about.
× Only talk about events that happened in the month of nomination
× If you have a quotation, use it!
× Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct.
× Don’t assume the reader knows what your acronym means. Acronyms that are okay to include: RHSA, NRHH, PACURH, and NACURH
× Select the right category!
× Do your homework on the person or program and include as much detail and background information as possible.
As many as you darn well please! The more of them you write, the more likely one will win!
Where can I submit an OTM?
You do not have to create a login to submit an OTM. However, it is highly recommended. If you would like to keep track of your OTMs, know if one of your OTMs won, or be able to edit your OTM later, make sure to make a login.
PACURH (Pacific Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls)
You can e-mail your AD of OTMs and Recognition, Maddie Abshire, at nrhhotm@hfs.washington.edu with any additional questions!
To see previous otm winners on the campus, regional, and national level, visit the otm archive.
Click to read!
![](OTMs/Category Flowchart.jpg)
OTM FAQs - Write to Win
What is an OTM?
An OTM is an “of the month” award used to recognize something or someone on campus that/who deserves recognition! There are 10 General categories and 4 Program categories for the awards, and they are given out on the local, regional, and national level based on how well they are written and what they are written about. Local is within the University of Washington, regional is in the Pacific Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (PACURH), and the national level is over all colleges and universities in the US.
Why have OTMs?
We have OTMs because we all know what it is like to have our hard work go unappreciated. As an organization, National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) values recognition efforts - in fact, it's even one of our 4 pillars! We don’t want any good deed to go unnoticed, so if you see someone doing something amazing and it fits in one of the categories, we encourage you to write them a nice tribute and submit it!
Who can write an OTM?
What are the categories?
There are 2 categories, GENERAL and PROGRAM, and under each there are multiple subcategories:
GENERAL categories:
× Advisor: Any advisor that has helped out significantly with residence hall student happenings is qualified for this OTM. A good topic is the advisor’s accomplishments in recognition and advising the students toward growth and development within the residence halls.
× Community: This OTM is for residential communities (like floors, wings, halls, RA staff, and executive boards) that have come together to make an impact on the greater residence hall community. Think about what makes this group different from other groups and how it interacts with other groups throughout the residence halls.
× Executive Board Member: Any executive board member of the Residence Hall Student Association (RHSA), NRHH, or hall council is eligible for this OTM. Specific instances of going above and beyond the job’s responsibilities are desired when writing an OTM for this position. Make sure to include what resources the member used from the National Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH), what challenges has this person faced, and how did they grow during this month?
× Organization: This OTM is for any residential life focused organizations (like RHSA, NRHH, etc.) that have done things to make one month stand out from other months. Things to think about: How did the organization influence the residence hall community and what is the focus of the organization?
× Resident Assistant: Any resident assistant (resident advisor) that has gone above and beyond the basics of being a resident assistant is qualified for this OTM. Please include their specific involvement with their hall council or other hall government programs and how he or she has connected with his or her residents.
× Spotlight: This award is for any member of the residence hall community that does not fall in any of the other categories (such as security, food service, or janitorial staff). Please describe how this person has benefited the residence hall community and gone beyond their job requirements.
× Student: This OTM is for any student that is not an RHSA executive board member, Resident Assistant, or advisor. Qualifications for this award include demonstrating exceptional leadership activity in various organizations or programs that set him or her apart from other student leaders. Make sure to talk about how their actions have influence the residence hall community.
× Bulletin Board: This OTM is for the people that put up bulletin boards that are in the residence halls. Requirements for this award are to describe how the person (most often an RA) has used their bulletin board to connect to their community in an effective and creative manner beyond the basic bulletin board information.
× First Year Student: This OTM is for first year residence hall leadership students. Think about how the student has sent him/herself apart from the other new students, how they have grown, and how they are influencing others around them.
× Faculty/Staff: This OTM is for a University of Washington faculty or staff member that has positively contributed to residence hall life. Please think about how the nominee has helped residence hall students learn, grow, and develop, and what they have done beyond their job requirements.
PROGRAM categories:
× Community Service: This OTM is for programs that advanced service to some part of the community. Make sure to talk about how students participated in the program and who put on the program.
× Diversity: This is for programs that promote diversity and understanding in the community. Please describe how the program was unique and what students were involved in the program.
× Educational: This OTM is for programs that promote education in the community. Make sure to include the type of education provided to the community, what need was fulfilled, and how the program was unique.
× Social: This is for programs that promote interaction between students on campus. Again, make sure to talk about the uniqueness of the program and if it can be adapted to other campuses.
How do I write a winning OTM?
× Get as close to the word limit as you possibly can!
× Describe personal experiences you had with the person or at the program you are writing about.
× Only talk about events that happened in the month of nomination
× If you have a quotation, use it!
× Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct.
× Don’t assume the reader knows what your acronym means. Acronyms that are okay to include: RHSA, NRHH, PACURH, and NACURH
× Select the right category!
× Do your homework on the person or program and include as much detail and background information as possible.
How many OTMs can I submit per month?
As many as you darn well please! The more of them you write, the more likely one will win!
Where can I submit an OTM?
Go to:
http://otms.nrhh.org/ and select the category (General or Program) in the top left corner of the page. Choose "University of Washington" and then submit-away!
It asks me to create a login. Do I have to do this?
You do not have to create a login to submit an OTM. However, it is highly recommended. If you would like to keep track of your OTMs, know if one of your OTMs won, or be able to edit your OTM later, make sure to make a login.
What region are we in?
PACURH (Pacific Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls)
Where can I get more information on OTMs?
You can e-mail your AD of OTMs and Recognition, Maddie Abshire, at nrhhotm@hfs.washington.edu with any additional questions!
To see previous otm winners on the campus, regional, and national level, visit the otm archive.
Want to write an OTM this month? Read Maddie's poem and learn from our NRHH squirrels how to write to win!
Trouble choosing your category? Click HERE for a helpful flow chart!
Remember, OTM submissions are due the 4th of every month at 11:59 pm!
Remember, OTM submissions are due the 4th of every month at 11:59 pm!