Native Organization of Indigenous Scholars
(NOIS, formerly NASAA - Native American Scholars in Advanced Academia)
A Registered Student Organization of graduate Indigenous scholars at the University of Washington
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Download Call for Proposals PDF

Call for Proposals

The 12th Annual Symposium of Native & Indigenous
Scholarship at the University of Washington
University of Washington Seattle Campus, Walker-Ames Room, Kane Hall

May 3, 2012

"Reminds Me of Home: The Cultural Shaping of Our Senses"

Oiwi Maoli scholar Manulani Aluli Meyers stated, “our senses are culturally shaped.” Starting here and asking if culture shapes how we taste, touch, hear, see, and smell, then how do our culturally informed senses influence our research? How do our senses shape our methodologies and focus? How do they help us see the stories in our data and the ways in which we share those stories? How is our culture embodied in our work?

Indigenous graduate, professional, and undergraduate students, staff, faculty, and community scholars are invited to submit summaries or abstracts for the opportunity to present work relating to this year's theme.

Please submit a 250-word abstract to noisrso(at) by March 1, 2013

Presentations can take any one of the following formats:

-- Paper Presentation
-- Poster
-- Panel Discussion (4 members max)
-- Poetry*
-- Artwork (visual or musical)*
-- Short film

Submissions should include:

-- Title of presentation
-- Authors & Affiliation (School, Department, Institution, Organization, Tribe)
-- Contact email/phone
-- Presentation format (oral presentation, poster, or panel)

*Poetic submissions should be the actual poem(s). Artistic submissions should include a photograph and description. Musical submissions should describe lyrics/music as they relate to the cultural shaping of our senses.

Acceptance letters will be sent out to the contact address indicated in your submission on March 15, 2013 indicating the time and format of your presentation.