2001: Club first formed
2002: Died out when the members all graduated and no one kept the club going.
2003: Sheri Thom and Luke Lee restarted the club. Mixed held its first large event: a bone marrow registry drive with MatchMaker. As a two-day event, we registered over 90 potential donors to the national registry!
2004: we had a jumpstart to the year, sending 6 members to the First Annual Student of Mixed Heritage Leadership Retreat, sponsored by MAVIN Foundation and Level Playing Field Institute. This was the first retreat of its kind, and was attended by 6 miXed members as well as members from Stanford’s Mixed Identifying Community at Stanford (MICS).
[Feb] Mixed sent 3 students to the West Coast Mixed Race Summit in Stanford where many other representatives of other multiracial student groups were in attendance (UC Berkley, UCLA, UC Irvine, the Claremont Colleges, USC, and more).
[Mar] Mixed held their second large scale event: IDENTITY—a spoken word show co-sponsored by the ECC/T, OMA, and ASUW (also supported by the BSC and the AISC). Over 120 people were in attendance. Mixed also co-sponsored another MatchMaker bone marrow registry drive with two Asian interest greek organizations.
[Apr] MiXed hosted MAVIN Foundation’s Generation Mix in April, and welcomed them home in May at Garfield Community Center. Mixed helped postcard for the One Box Isn’t Enough Campaign. We sent volunteers to the MAVIN Gala.
2006: MiXed started the year out by having 3 members attend the Second Annual Students of Mixed Heritage Leadership Retreat. Mixed co-sponsored another MatchMaker drive, and helped co-sponsor a free nationwide premier of the MAVIN Foundation’s documentary Chasing Daybreak – a film about mixed race in America. Our screening had over 180 people, followed by a reception.
Mixed elected it's first ASUW Student Senator, Felicia! Mixed created a section in the Tunnel of Oppression dedicated the oppression of multiracial people. Mixed also had a Valentine’s Day fundraiser.
Mixed hosted it's first two guest speaker, Dr. Skip Rowland of the Business School and Matt Barretto!
Mixed sent 6 students to the National Student Conference on the Mixed Race Experience and held the second annual IDENTITY Spoken Word show. Mixed sells it's first club T-Shirts!
2007: MiXed goes underground
2008-2009: Mixed is revived. Mixed forms the first Mixed 101 class (Women 256: Mixed Identites and Racialized Bodies) which was facilitated by 9 students at the University of Washington. Mixed is hosting the first Mixed Heritage Graduation Ceremony in early June
2009-2010: The second Mixed 101 class is being formed, also facilitated by students. |