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Intro to ArcMap
This tutorial will introduce you to some basic selection and field calculation functions in ArcMap. It will also review how to read metadata from shapefiles and the US Census. With this, you will
be equipped with the basic functions of joining tabular data with spatial data and paring down your datasets to manageable sizes.
If you prefer a video-based guide, you can use the YouTube series posted below. Be sure to download the practice file archive before you get started!
This is a complete tutorial. Edits will be updated as needed
Features detailed step-by-step instructions for many tasks in SPSS
The instructions weave between both the census dataset and the test scores dataset
Instructions for usage can be found in the document
Students can also follow along with a downloaded or print version. It should be sufficient for stand-alone work, but don't get too hung up on reading every word while class is in session
Step 2: Download the file archive and question sheet (optional)
This archive contains all the files you will need for the completion of this tutorial section.
It contains a map document for ArcMap 10.3, and will open with the latest versions of ArcMap available on the UW campus (10.6 currently)
It contains a Geodatabase with several shapefiles, a DP03 Census .csv file, DP03 Metadata, and a second archive featuring US Census Tiger/Line US county data
Data Sources: US Census DP03: Selected Economic CHaracteristics; US Census Tiger/Line data
Spatial data is a US Census Tiger/Line file from 2017, 20m borders