Member Spotlight: Haven Onewein

This year, ASCP-UW is proud to recognize PY3 Haven Onewein for his outstanding contributions to our organization. This is the second consecutive year that Haven has been honored as a distinguished member, a testament to his continued support and dedication. Indeed, ASCP-UW President Christopher Andrews remarks that

"Haven has been a very loyal member to ASCP since his first day in pharmacy school.”

Haven has consistently gone the extra mile for ASCP, well beyond the expectations of a student member.

“Haven has been heavily involved in numerous outreach events. This summer, he volunteered his time to help with the Pharmer's Market and took the time to help with our first general board meeting during fall quarter,”
said Christopher.
“It’s members like Haven that make ASCP-UW successful.”

As many ASCP members would also attest, Haven gets plenty in return for his efforts, primarily in the form of new skills and experience direct patient care. In particular, he points to osteoporosis screenings as events where he has learned to use a new device, the bone density scanner, as well as get up close and personal with patients.

“These events are always very hands-on which is a great way to become comfortable with direct patient interaction,”
says Haven.

In addition to technical skills and experience, Haven is drawn to ASCP for the opportunity to help elderly patients, a population he feels does not get the care it deserves. Through ASCP, he can not only participate in quality patient care at our events, but also develop the tools and knowledge necessary to improve the care he provides in practice.

“My awareness regarding the care of elderly has increased dramatically,”
said Haven.
“Outreach events have given me the opportunity to get out of the classroom and put into practice knowledge that I’ve learned. I’m now able to think through what needs to be considered when dispensing or suggesting medications to geriatric patients in order to help them in the best way possible.”

When Haven isn’t volunteering with ASCP (which is most of the time), he enjoys getting out and trying new restaurants with his wife. He is a native of Bainbridge Island and loves Sour Patch Kids, two traits he shares with the present author. Upon graduating, he sees himself continuing to work in direct patient care. ASCP-UW would like to thank Haven for his service, as well as all of the other student and faculty volunteers that allow our organization to do meaningful work in the community.


University of Washington School of Pharmacy

UW Student ASCP Chapter

Box 357631

Seattle, WA 98195-7631