Alpha Phi Omega is a national co-ed service fraternity. Since the founding there has been more than 367,000 students participating in the brotherhood worldwide. The fraternity has grown to more than 360 active chapters.
The University of Washington chapter has about 25 active members and we are currently working on building a larger and stronger chapter. Any person can join Alpha Phi Omega. We are not exclusive and we are welcoming to anyone with a passion for service and brotherhood.
We work on building great leaders. We offer APO LEADS courses in which a brother can focus on skills that make great leaders.
LEADS stands for Launch, Explore, Achieve, Discover, and Serve. We also offer multiple officer positions for anyone who is looking to get experience being a leader. Our organization also participates in Chapter Assessments where you can go through the process of identifying goals and improvements for the next year.
Everyone is a brother. Friendship is respect, honesty, and dependability. We learned to overlook differences and create a strong bond with our brothers. We participate in retreats and we just hang out with our brothers whenever we want. Alpha Phi Omega is a great way to make friends on campus and to find people with similar interests.
Service is the basis of our organization. We all want to do give back and Alpha Phi Omega provides many opportunities to do that. We have five fields of service that all chapters are involved in.
Service to the campus, community, nation, fraternity, and world.
The fraternity was founded by Frank Reed Horton on December 16, 1925. He attended Layfayette College and he decided that he wanted to create an organization based on the ideals of scouting.
The University of Washington chapter was originally chartered on December 9, 1939 by Albert Weissberg. The chapter grew and flourished until 1978. In 1992 the University of Washington Gamma Alpha chapter was reactivated with 15 members.
Alpha Phi Omega is a national fraternity. There are chapters all over the country at different universities. There are also chapters in the Philippines, Canada, and Australia. As you can see Alpha Phi Omega is everywhere, not to mention here at the University of Washington.
Alpha Phi Omega was started to give college students a place where they could develop leadership, promote friendship and provide service to humanity. Alpha Phi Omega is a great way to get involved on campus and to meet some great new friends!