iSchool Launches New Podcast Series
A new podcast series lets you get your iSchool news on the go. With stories that capture the impact of iSchool work, each issue brings to life the voices of faculty, students and staff—information leaders who are moving the field forward.
The first issue, released on Tuesday, October 30, featured an interview with Dean Harry Bruce. He talks about his roots in rural Australia and some of the inspiration that launched his career in information. The first and subsequent issues will be released every three weeks at
Like every newborn, the podcast needs a name. Submit a suggestion. If we use your suggestion, you’ll win a $25 gift certificate to the University Bookstore. Listen to the first issue for the email address you’ll use to send your name suggestions, comments and story ideas.
January 11,
Vol. XII Issue 2

iServe’s iKnit program collected: 13 hats, 4 scarves, 4 bags of toiletries/sundries Silverfish’s DAWN House drive collected:
$160 in gift cards, 6 toys, 4 coloring pads, 3 sets of art supplies, 3 board/card games, 3 pots and pans, 1 kitchen set, 2 books, 1 watch, 1 coffee maker, 1 roll of wrapping paper, and an unspecified amount of candy

Top 5
- National socialism and soccer
- Orangeries--Italy
- Anti-estrogenic diet
- Deviant behavior in rabbinical literature
- Milk ducts
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