

Letter from the editors

Welcome to the November issue of the Silverfish! We’re now several weeks into the quarter and the initial flurry of events has come and gone. That’s not to say, however, that there’s nothing to do! The coming months will see iSchoolers involved in everything from the ASIS&T meeting in Providence to research at the new Seattle Public Central library to participating in student org meetings.

And you first-year folks – that’s right, we’re talking to you! – what’s your story? Now, on the one hand, this is a silly question. You’re settling into a new program, classes are getting busy, and you’re just starting to feel like you have the hang of things here. On the other, it’s a two year program, and a major benefit of being at a happening place like the iSchool is the large number of lectures, brown bag discussions, and meetings you can check out to see what floats your boat. You’ve probably checked out a few things already, but why not stop by a few more? We can both safely say that the year will be over before you know it and then you’ll be scurrying to get a job. If you start figuring out what you like now, it’ll get you in place to make the best use of our all-too-few quarters here. There certainly are enough opportunities to get involved. See also Kristen Shuyler's handy guide to the official student organizations.

Enough with the rah-rah. We have plenty to recommend to you in this issue, from Miguel Ramos’ account of his stint in Radical Reference to a revealing profile of the man with the IT mojo, Scott Barker. Check out our regular features and our expanding comics section, now with multiple cartoons and artists. Next issue will feature a special feature section on comics and libraries, with everything from artist profiles to accounts of iSchoolers’ experiences in the comics industry. See the call for submissions in this issue for more information. Enjoy November!


Phoebe Ayers & John Glover
Silverfish Co-Editors
Please send submissions, comments, and letters to:



November 2004
Vol. IX Issue II
News From ALISS What is ALISS?
Features Biblioteca A continuing series about international information issues. Radical Librarians An iSchooler's account from the RNC protests in New York
Nancy Huling Huling shares words of wisdom with aspiring reference librarians
Man Behind the Machines A profile of Scott Barker
iSchool Official Student Groups a field guide
Blast from the Past Days gone by at the iSchool
Opinion i-Files Part two
From the Komissar's desk... Survival tips for the savvy iSchooler
Portfolio, schmortfolio ...or how one editor learned to stop worrying and love the portfolio
Entertainment iFunny Comics of our iLives Judging a Book by its Cover A compilation of ridiculously titled books
Reviews iRead Invisible Forms
Events Events Student Colloquium, SALA, etc. Announcements A plea from the Silverfish


Page last updated:November 10, 2004