by Kristen Shuyler, MLIS Day, with assistance from the iSchool student group leaders
The often bewildering array of student groups at the iSchool can confound even the savviest graduate student. Six different types of "official" student groups can be found in the habitat of the iSchool. They flourish primarily in the fall, winter, and spring seasons. Though these groups often work together, they are separate groups with their own goals and leaders. To assist you when trying to identify a student group in the wild, The Silverfish presents this field guide in a handy matrix form.
Common name | ALISS | APC | ASIS&T | IUGA | SALA | SLA |
Pronunciation* | "AY-liss" | "ay-pee-see" | "AY-sist" | "eye-YU-ga" | "sah-lah" | "slah" or "ess-ell-ay" |
Full name | Association of Library and Information Science Students | Archives & Preservation Club | American Society for Information Science and Technology | Informatics Undergraduate Association | The UW's Student Chapter of the American Library Association | Special Libraries Association |
Who can join? | All MLIS students are members by definition! | Any UW student | Any UW student but the group's focus is on iSchool students (all programs) | iSchool undergraduate students | Any iSchool student | Any iSchool student |
Is it a student chapter of a national organization? |
No | No | Yes, it's an official student chapter of ASIS&T | No | Yes, it's an official student chapter of ALA | Yes, it's an official student chapter of of SLA |
Mission/ Overview |
"…official student organization for Library and Information Science students at the University of Washington Information School." | "…dedicated to the discussion and study of issues related to archival and preservation work." | "…providing support to all iSchool students in the areas of education, technology, networking, and careers…facilitating students' involvement with the broad community of information professionals…" | "…function as a student government for Informatics undergraduates…Provide and promote opportunities for social, cultural, and professional activities…" | "…encourage participation in the American Library Association . . . provide a local forum for the exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in the profession…" | "…seeks to expose Information School students to careers in special libraries and the information industry in general…" |
Typical events | Open meetings for LIS students, speakers, panel discussions, annual book sale in the winter, and annual party in the spring. | Panel discussions, talks, and tours. | Technology workshops, talks by faculty and information professionals, networking and career events. | Technology workshops and social events. | Panel discussions, talks, and tours with local public and academic librarians and select iSchool faculty. | Open meetings, panels with special librarians, and field trips to special libraries. |
Unique characteristics |
Sponsors and publishes The Silverfish, the official newsletter of ALISS. | Founded by iSchool graduate students in fall 2002. | The Special Interest Group on International Inforation Issues (SIG-III) is an affiliate of this group. Several iSchool faculty belong to ASIS&T. | Sells "idrink" and "idrunk" glasses of the pint and shot variety. Contact David Horm (hormd@u) for more info. | For better or worse, seen as a bastion of "brick and mortar" type librarianship. Sponsors student(s) to attend national ALA conference annually. | Everything they do is special; and, of course, they are all insanely good looking. |
2004-2005 chair | Dave Ballantine, MLIS student | Toby Harris and Joshua Daniel Franklin (co-chairs), MLIS students | Samantha Starmer, MLIS student | Ryan Prins, Informatics student | Peter Cole, MLIS student | Zola Maddison, MLIS student |
Web site | ALISS | APC | ASIS&T | IUGA | SALA | SLA |
* Note: "ay" sounds like the name of the letter A.