Asians Collaborating Together Conference 2017

What is ACT?

ACT is a half day conference designed to inspire and promote the growth of our various communities as young people in relation with our sense of identities. Our mission is to gather, inspire, and mobilize API communities and students for community building and activism through performances, guest speakers, and community/student-led workshops.

May 6th, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC)
3931 Brooklyn Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98015

This Year's Theme

Our main themes for this year are:

Community building and collaboration- Marginalization within the API community (data aggregation of AsAms, intersecting identities within API communities, etc.) is an issue that we need to tackle. How can we be inclusive and mindful in our activism? What can we do to advocate for those within our community whose voices may not be heard?

Intergenerational collaboration- how do we best continue the work and legacy of elders such as Uncle Bob, Auntie Ruth, Al Sugiyama, and Donnie Chin? There is currently a disconnect between the activists during the civil rights movement and younger activists today, yet we are still fighting for many of the same rights and issues (gentrification of CID, education access, etc.), so how should we bridge that gap?

Allyship and collaboration- how can we as young API students and activists take action and stand in solidarity with other communities of color and marginalized groups? Especially with today's political climate, it is more urgent than every to work with other groups and be allies. How can we do so without taking over other people's narratives and spaces? What can we as APIs do to speak up for others? What specific actions can we as students take?

Our Keynote Speakers

Cindy Ryu

Washington State Representive, 32nd District

Rep. Cindy Ryu is serving her 4th term in the Washington State House. While a Shoreline City Councilmember, she served as Mayor, becoming the first Korean American woman mayor in America. In Shoreline, she served as president of both the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce and its Dollars For Scholars Chapter. She helped create Shoreline’s Green Business Program.
In the House of Representatives, Ryu chairs the Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs Committee, with jurisdiction over Tourism, Veterans, and Community Resilience and Emergency Preparedness. Ryu also chairs the Members of Color Caucus and serves on Commerce & Gaming and Capital Budget committees.
Ryu is a strong advocate for the small business owner, public schools, public transportation, environmental and consumer protection and public safety. She seeks increased access to affordable housing and home ownership and welcomes ideas for implementable solutions to make Washington a better place for us to live, work, and raise our families.

Ryka Aoki

Professor, Author, Poet, and Trans Activist

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Our Sponsors

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