Our mission is to empower and connect women at the University of Washington and aid their endeavors in User Experience and related fields through community and career building events.
We host events such as resume workshops, internship panels, and bring in people from industry to talk about all things user experience.
WiUX is open to both undergraduate and graduate majors of any gender.
We are hard at work planning our 10th Annual WiUX Conference! To learn more about how to participate in or sponsor in our 2024 conference, click below!
2024 Conference PageThe 2022 WiUX Conference was our second time hosting in a virtual format, which allowed us to connect to interested attendees from around the world! Amazing talks from women in the User Experience and related fields joined to address both the areas in which design could improve and the power design has to be iterative, inclusive, and impact social issues.
The 2020 WiUX Conference was all about investigating how design has power in our world, and what that means for equity and inclusivity. Three speakers were included and an Equity in Design Workshop.
The 2020 WiUX Conference was our first time hosting in a virtual format, which allowed us to connect to interested attendees from around the world! Held at the turn of the decade, guest speakers gave their takes on the role of UX in our world moving forward.
The 2019 WiUX Conference was all about UX Beyond Borders. The guest speakers took their own spin on the traditional conventions of what it means to be a UX professional by considering perspectives and issues that aren’t as widely represented or discussed.
The 2018 WiUX Conference saw the largest number of attendees as well as a diverse line of speakers. Topics such as design ethics, social impact, research, leadership were discussed by speakers from academia, consultancy, and corporate backgrounds.
In 2017, WiUX held numerous workshops throughout the year in addition to the annual conference. With multiple breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and over 200 attendees, the 2017 conference grew in great scale.
The 2nd Annual WiUX conference consisted of lightning talks by industry professionals, a UW alumni panel, and networking opportunities, expanding to all UW students and involved professionals from various companies.
Women in UX (WiUX) was founded by a group of undergraduate students in Human-Centered Design and Engineering primarily geared toward undergraduate women beginning their careers in user experience. The inaugural Women in UX Conference kicked off with over a 100 students and industry professionals joining in panel sessions and breakout workshops.
Human Centered Design and Engineering | Class of '24
Informatics | Class of '24
Sponsorship Officer
Informatics | Class of '24
Graphics Officer
Design | Class of '25
Graphics Officer
Informatics | Class of '25
Marketing Officer
Informatics | Class of '24
Events Officer
Design | Class of '25
Public Relations Officer
Informatics | Class of '25
Conference Officer
Informatics | Class of '23
Junior Officer
Human Centered Design and Engineering | Class of '26
Junior Officer
Public Health | Class of '26
Our officer team has grown over the years, but we always strive to bring together women from various majors,
diverse backgrounds, and experiences. We hope to show passion and love for all things user experience in everything that we do.