Neurosci Outreach News

SfN Teaching of Neuroscience Abstract
Fri, May 11th, 2007
Members of the N&B Outreach RSO are currently preparing a "Teaching of Neuroscience" abstract for this year's SFN meeting in San Diego. The topic of the poster will be our neuroscience education tools and strategies, such as with the BAW Open House and classroom visits, with a special focus on developing teaching resources that we can share. The current list of authors is as follows (order is meaningless at this point):
Benjamin Smarr, Sean Georgi, Robin Harris, Hiro Watari, Bryan White, John Meitzen, Jonathan Ting, Tony Azevedo, Eric Chudler, **additional sponsor**
We would like to extend an invitation to all N&B Outreach members and participants to join in this poster effort. If you would like to be an author and are willing to make a reasonable commitment to help in the poster development between now and Nov 3 (the start of the SFN meeting), please respond with a request to be included so that we know to put you in the author block. The abstract deadline is Tuesday May 15th...so it is important that you respond by Monday night.
Note that you do not have to be attending the SFN meeting to be an author. In addition, the range of responsibilities may include designing the poster, help with printing the poster or other administrative help, making demo videos, preparing visual aides to go along with the poster, presenting the poster at various times during the meeting, etc. The exact content and extent of the effort is up to all those who are involved (so not yet fully determined). There is no minimum commitment required, just your promise to help in some way, particularly in the home stretch to ensure the poster in completed in time.