Hey, I'm Kelby! Welcome To My Home Page!

Kelby Steinmetz Profile Picture Him Sitting Down

About Myself:

As an undergraduate engineering student, I'm extremely passionate about the STEM field and someday making a positive impact on the industry. My studies currently reside at the University of Washington where I am pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. My passion to someday make an impact on the field of engineering comes from my unmatched grit and work ethic.

In order to achieve this goal, I'm seeking either internship or research opportunities that will allow me to develop real-world skills that I can apply to future schooling and experiences. If you or someone you know is looking for a hardworking student with a growth mindset to accompany their organization on their journey towards success, then feel free to get into contact with me via the applications below.

Fun Facts!

  • I grew up on a farm in a rural part of Eastern Washignton.
  • I'm a native English speaker wtih German ancenstry however I am competent in both Spanish and Russian.
  • I'm a big futbol (soccer) fan and have been playing since I was a little kid.
  • I'm a first generation college student.
  • I've driven dozens of different tractors in my life.

Advice to Students:

I would like to start by saying Computer Science courses can be quite difficult and often challenge the way you problem solve. With this in mind, I would advise students to push through even if you struggle. I struggled tremendously at first and am thankful for such experiences. Computer science courses are extremely valuable when looking at a career in engineering. Additionally, there's always more to pickup when learning coding skills so don't be scared that you're expected to learn all there is to know right away. Simply, be patient and trust the process. To wrap up, really give these courses your all as they set you up for a strong engineering foundation.

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